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Hi guys, here is the second "Sand trap" page, now Yeina will meet this interesting crabs. I hope you like it. 




Looking forward to this one!


Hopefully the crabs don't slice her boobs off! I never know whats going to happen in your comics lol. Thanks gula!


Let them grip with their claws properly

G Patreon Fan

How about they fill her with eggs so quick bulging pregnancy and birth to live young. Then the other characters come and rescue her, kill the large crabs and cook them and she's too embarrassed to talk about all the crablets that came out of her running into the sea but are already talking about if they survive to getting big making 'sand traps'?

Old Shagnasty

I can see her nips getting nipped.


Hi, thanks for the idea, Im acctually drawing the last pages of the comic. Thanks a lot. I hope you like it :)

G Patreon Fan

I'm sure I'll love it no matter what! (well I do hope she isn't permanently mutilated but unlikely thank goodness) Hope you don't mind my comments, I'm trying to be supportive and add to the thing, not in suggesting what you should do but adding to the chatter. If I ever want you to do absolutely something specific I'd ask for a commission and pay. I would be interested in such (I sent you a Patreon PM a while back) to promote one of my current projects - but regardless of whether you'd do it or not I'll still keep up the patreon here as long as I can coz I like your works a lot.


Oh man. Cant wait to see the last page!

Ford Prefex

Nice series! Wonder what the crabs are up to!


Please continue!