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Hi guys, now they are safe, are they?  I had fun doing the exlpotions on this page, I love some special FX. Thanks a lot for your support.

High resolution file attatched. See you soon. 





Are we going to see an adventure with those 5? Also just curious. Did you ever come up with a story after eden 1.5?

Old Shagnasty

Some many beautiful naked titty girls, my Requiem included. <3 I love her, but I hope that boom knocks her overboard and she falls into the clutches (literally) of a war band of lust thirsty orcs and titty torturing goblins.


I am so sad that this series might end soon! I always love seeing another page pop up in my feed. Can’t wait to see more comics this year :)


Yeah, This series is near the end. Im happy because I will do new stuff this year :)


Heheh that would be interesting. I have lot more stories to tell in the future. Youll see. Thanks a lot. :)


There will be a story after Eden, Im planning some other series. Thanks a lot.

Ford Prefex

Nice! The explosion looks great (all those breasts look even better of course ;) l


Thanks a lot. This page is special, not all the characters appear in the same page.