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Hi guys, this page is sooooo important for Eden series and of course for Yeina, you know why!  I hope you like it. Of course is not the last. There is so much to tell. Do you like it?

Thanks a lot. High resolution file attached. 

See you soon!





I hope Miria gets her boobs back! So much action in this page!

Jefferson R Boydston

If Umbra IS actually dead here, does that mean Torturdora (and the other demons) free to do as they wish? Chaos, anyone?


Very good dynamic, lots of great boobs swinging 😜. It rocks Gula good job!

Old Shagnasty

Oh no. ( or rather OH YES! ) The controlling mind has been severed. Horny demons run amok. No boobs are safe.

Hank the Bobcat

DAAAAAMN! We'll see if even that kills her, but it has to hurt a LOT either way.


Thanks a lot. Yeah. it miss that part. Lets see how the story develop in this point

ybs3 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-10 19:42:43 Final bosses are never that easy to kill, & a deals a deal he won her boobs fair & square. Exciting stuff! Lets see where this rabbit hole leads.
2017-08-09 08:26:58 Final bosses are never that easy to kill, & a deals a deal he won her boobs fair & square. Exciting stuff! Lets see where this rabbit hole leads.

Final bosses are never that easy to kill, & a deals a deal he won her boobs fair & square. Exciting stuff! Lets see where this rabbit hole leads.

Hank the Bobcat

If nothing else, she'll probably have to burn her highest level spell slot to come back from that. One of her spells she won't be able to use to fuck up Yeina.


Thanks for your comment. Thats right,lets see what else the story tell us :)

Ford Prefex

Yeina is a great fighter! Wonder what awaits her next...