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Hi guys, In previous pages, I shared a backstory about Yeina and The Wizard. I want to establish a background for this couple and describe how The Wizard praises Lupita's beauty, elevating her to an almost divine pedestal. The Magician loves Yeina's abundant curves. That's why when he noticed the absence of volume in her, The Wizard's state changed to a stone-like state. This might be a protective system or perhaps to prevent even greater trauma.

This is indeed somewhat anecdotal since I had a similar trauma during adolescence when I found out that one of the girls (busty) I liked had undergone a breast reduction surgery. I never saw her after the operation, but I remembered her with love just as she was before that terrible decision.

Let me know your thoughts.




Poor Yeina, all he cares about her big boobs. I thought you said they were very good friend? Truly, this is humorous behavior for an adult wizard. Yeina doesn’t have those gorgeously huge boobs. Why did he turned into stone? This is his effect of disappointment.?🤣

Johnny 2x4

Yeah imaging spending half your life wanting to feel the perfect boobs to come and find a dud lol