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I hope everyone had a great weekend! Just some quick updates:
1. I am currently at over 3,100 followers on Pixiv. Wow! It was just barely over a week ago that I reached 2k, so I am very grateful for everyone's support! I originally started creating computer-assisted images out of hobby, but I think it's great that I can make pictures that other like (and ones that they request)! Hopefully me saying this doesn't sound lame, but I think it's important to reiterate my gratitude to everyone.
2. Regarding this week's plans, I am planning to do Hinata from Naruto next. This one is a request, but I also enjoy Hinata and I would have eventually done something with her anyway. The requester wanted to see her lying spread eagle solo, but I am planning on also adding some sex pictures to this set, as well. The next picture set will either be Android 18 or Tamayo.
3. From now on, after every 3 requests, I will be doing a photo set that I want to see. This is so I don't get burnt out from only just doing requests. Since I've loved her since I discovered her and her series as a teenage (and the remake is still ongoing), I will plan to do Lum from Urusei Yatsura next!

1. 私のPixivのフォロワー数は現在3,100人を超えています。おお!ちょうど1週間前に2,000に到達したので、皆さんのサポートにとても感謝しています!もともと趣味で始めたPC対応画像ですが、人に好かれる(リクエストされる)画像を作れるのは素晴らしいことだと思います!私の言うことがダサいと思われないことを祈りますが、皆さんに感謝の気持ちを改めて伝えることが重要だと思います
3. 今後、3 リクエストごとに、見たいフォトセットを作成します。依頼だけをこなすだけで燃え尽きてしまわないようにするためです。 10代の頃にこのシリーズを知って以来大好きなので(リメイクは今も続いている)、次は『うる星やつら』のラムをやるつもりです!



Come on, you are also a requester and should create for the pictures you want haha