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I've had the story behind these two characters in my head since I shot the photos for the 2023 calendar, so I'm very excited to finally share something material with you! Princess Kiliren was the "covergirl" for the 2023 calendar, and while paladin Bryndis appeared in that calendar (featuring a much shittier wig), she really got her chance to shine in the 2024 calendar.

This PDF bundle is free for Di-votee Patrons and available for individual purchase for anybody else who wants to check it out!

The seed for this idea came from Patron suggestions in the Discord, and it has spiraled into something that I fully want to write a novel about. 😅 These two PDFs are bundled, and each one includes an NPC with a full history, personality, traits to guide your roleplay, a related quest hook, and a complete stat block with unique abilities.

Stay tuned for next month's PDF, which will be a setting document for the Solstice Vale, where these two characters make their home! And of course, let me know if you spot any errors or inconsistencies.


(No title)



Errors or inconsistencies, you say? I highly doubt they exist, but it'll be good to go over anyway and piece together their separate and shared lore.


EXCITED!! I just finished Gideon the Ninth, so I am more than ready for a Kiliren/Bryndis novel!


I had to make a real effort to not make Bryndis into a Gideon-clone!! Redheaded, funny swordswoman who would lay down her life for her necrom-- I mean, princess? Hmm 😅 By now I think they've developed in different directions, but Gideon was definitely in my inspirations!


OBSESSED with both of these lovely ladies. I was wondering about how you imagine Be The Bulwark working, as the wording feels a little ambiguous. It states "she can use her reaction to interpose herself and take that damage instead... The damage is reduced by 1d10." So if for instance 11 damage was rolled and the d10 rolled 7 for the Bulwarking, would the result be: A - Bryndis takes 4 damage, Ally takes 0 damage (Bryndis takes the damage which is reduced) B - Bryndis takes 7 damage, Ally takes 4 damage (the rolled number is reduced from the Ally and taken by Bryndis instead) C - Bryndis takes 0 damage, Ally takes 4 damage (the damage is simply reduced by her intervention, but she is not injured in the process)