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Hey all! I’ve been quiet this week because I was in Toronto to play in the Dungeon Dudes’ actual play show. It was so much fun to get to play with these guys, who have become close friends since we met two years ago at GenCon. If any of you are Drakkenheim watchers, keep an eye out for me this winter!

Meanwhile, I’m headed back to Denver today and will have just a few weeks before we head to Philadelphia for PAX Unplugged. The end of the year is just racing towards us! 😳 Will I see any of you at PAXU?




the trouble is canadians as so polite when facing a pack of rabid orcs they still ask who'd like to g first.


You know, you'd think so, but Monty was probably one of the most brutal DMs I've played with!! 😂


I’ll be there! And both panels are on my calendar though I’m bummed the dungeon dudes one is at the same time as susd