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Hey friends! I'm including a quick summary first, and then more detail below in case you want it. Here are the changes coming to Patreon in 2023!

  • The "Club Di" patron-exclusive shop is going away. You have until the end of January to buy digital stuff on Club Di before it's gone!
  • The 15% shop discount is back! Use code PATRONPRICE to get 15% off any purchase at my shop (including minis!)
  • Wallpapers are becoming quarterly. I'm not doing nearly as many cosplay shoots these days, so you'll get wallpaper packs every 3 months now.
  • D&D downloads are getting more flexible. Rather than a long character-specific sheet each month, downloads will be more general (and hopefully more useful!) — monsters, magic items, encounters, etc.

"What if I have an annual pledge?"
Send me a DM! I can give you a partial refund and then you can re-pledge at a new tier.
"What happens if I stay in the tier?"
You keep getting charged, but you only get the $15 rewards. So... don't do that!
"What if I want to keep paying $35/mo?"
You can select a different tier, and then customize any amount, as long as it meets the minimum for the tier! This is easier for me than having patrons stuck in a retired tier.
"What about the November and December rewards?"
You will still get the delayed rewards! I distribute rewards based on what tier you are in during the reward month, NOT based on what tier people are in when I deliver the late rewards.

First of all, thank you all SO much for your responses to my Patron survey! It was very helpful to hear what you guys love and what you don't feel so hot about — especially since some of my assumptions were incorrect.

The changes I'm making for 2023 are primarily about ensuring that I can deliver rewards on time. As my business has grown and changed, I simply don't have as much time to spend on Patreon as I used to, and no matter how forgiving you guys are, I really hate being behind. Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with a concept for the $35 tier that was both worth the cost and sustainable with my current schedule.

This will also allow me to promote Patreon to new folks, something I'm hesitant to do when behind schedule. This means the return of special offers in 2023! Special offers are Patreon-exclusive one-time events and rewards that go out not just to new patrons, but to current patrons as well. I'm planning to bring back mailed postcards and explore actual play tabletop gaming streams, among other things.

As for Club Di, it was a fun experiment, but ultimately wasn't working the way I wanted it to. There were some requests in the survey for the shop discount to come back, and now that I've had a few months with my new shop platform and fulfillment partnership, I feel ready to reintroduce that 15% off!

I will take the Club Di shop down at the end of January. Until then, you can access it here with the password "dilightful." And of course, if anybody wants any of the PDFs after Club Di closes, you can always temporarily scale up to the $15 tier to get access to the full library of downloads.

My other priority this year is to ensure that Patreon is easy to navigate and understand. Sometimes the platform itself can be pretty unintuitive, and it's very important to me that y'all be able to find and use your rewards when you want them! I've updated the pinned post with a more in-depth directory of rewards, and I'll be making periodic posts to remind folks about oft-forgotten rewards like the Discord and the shop discount.

Hope this makes sense! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments. Otherwise, have a Happy New Year, and I'll see you in January! ♥




I'm excited for Ginny Di in '23! I tried downloading the character sheets and bonus PDFs for Elliwyn, Augury, and Morelia, but they tell me they're part of a higher tier. I can download the other ones, though. Are they not part of the Di-votee tier? Anyone know if there's another way to get them?


Oops! That's a mistake born of the fact that originally, PDFs were only for the $35 tier! I will go edit those now.


Thank you! These sorts of things have been invaluable for me recently. I used to feel the need to make all the content for my games myself, but having really rich characters and small quests to draw upon have made our most recent sessions so much fun and simpler for me to get going. And having specific minis for most of them now? Unbelievably cool.


Glad to see an update as to what's happening this month and with the site going forward. Also, please, take whatever time you need to make sure things are in line as we move through '23...as Enid's father told her "You do you." (Yes, I LOVED the series.)