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Heyo! In this week's video, I write a whole adventure for 5e. It's called Flesh and Blood. You can download it here, although I'm not sure how much good it'll do you, since it requires Tome of Beasts III to play, which isn't out yet 😅 It's for a dedicated sponsored video promoting the book.

If anyone has suggestions for good replacement monsters (as-written or even reskinned) that would enable folks to play this adventure without the supplement, I'd love to hear 'em! Animated offal is CR 9 (something like an undead ooze), offal walker is CR 1 (its key trait is the ability to do a ranged grapple, then pull the target towards them), and swarm of vampire blossoms is CR 3 (most important feature here is that it remain disguised until it attacks). The NPC character here is an atavist (basically a mutant that can turn their body into a weapon; not a spellcaster).

While of course the adventure requiring TOB3 to play is intentional for the YouTube video, I'd love for Patrons at least to be able to play this without investing in a separate book. Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with the zillion official D&D monsters to know how to replace these without doing many hours of research!




What a nice little adventure. Thanks Ginny!


No way. Tonight I planned for my group to tackle a zombie infested little town, accosted by an evil necromancer. Now I'm even more inspired. I will steal the idea for Necrotic Ring location, for sure. Thanks!