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Hello friends!

We’re part way through the spooky season, which means that the winter holiday season is nearly upon us. It's time for our fourth annual Holi-Di Exchange! Your lovely and talented mods will be running the show. Sarah (ItsEmbyrRose on Discord) is heading up the organization, but anyone on the Discord moderator team can answer questions and help out.

How to participate:

  • Fill out THIS FORM by October 31 to register
  • Receive your assignment around November 1 (depending on participation, this may take an extra day or two) from one of the mods. They will be using an exchange specific email that includes HoliDi and their name! (Don’t forget to check your spam folders around this date! Sometimes emails get eaten there.)
  • Shop for your giftee based on their answers. Our exchange has a $25 minimum before shipping. Handmade gifts are definitely fine, we just want to make sure you’ve participated in a way that feels thoughtful!
  • Get your gift in the mail by December 15!

When you send or receive a gift, please notify the mod who sent you your assignment. They’ll also be checking in on you periodically via that email address.

Please plan to communicate with us throughout the process! We hope that if you sign up for the exchange, you will follow through, but if something unexpected happens, it’s best to let us know as soon as possible so we can make other arrangements for your giftee.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sarah at holidiexchange@gmail.com or as ItsEmbyrRose on Discord! She’ll also be keeping an eye on comments here, but email is the best way to make sure you get an answer in a timely manner.




This is so exciting!