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First of all, I want to thank all 21 of you that filled out my Patron survey to give me your feedback!! It was incredibly informative and some of you had some seriously great ideas. It also helped show me what rewards people were enjoying and which ones needed work. If you didn’t get the chance to fill out the survey yet, I would still love to get your input! You can take the survey here.

Before I go into the new rewards, a little note: More than one person expressed concern that I am chaining myself to my Patron’s every whims, which I want to reassure you all is not true. 😂  People who know me well know that I’m the first one to shut down anyone who tries to tell me what to do! But Patreon is supposed to be mutually beneficial, and it’s very important to me to know what you guys are enjoying and what you aren’t. Please be assured that I will not be taking any suggestions that I don’t want to take, and that making an effort to customize my Patreon to my patrons isn’t making any of this “less fun” for me. Don’t worry! I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. 😜

NOW… the new rewards!

All of the reward tiers on the righthand column of my Patreon profile have been updated to reflect the new tiers! I’ve also written up a blog to go into how each tier has changed — you can read it here! Here’s the tl;dr version: Every single tier has had something added, and nothing has been removed! A few of the new tiers require some further explanation, so here we go:

Private Instagram — I’ve set up a private Instagram for Patrons only! (I did this because I wanted to be able to provide more in-depth WIP updates and behind the scenes photos and videos, but I don’t want to spam your feeds, especially for those of you who have email updates turned on!) I will still be posting highlights and big updates to my Patreon feed, so if you’re satisfied with the amount of content you’re getting now, you won’t lose anything now that I’m starting this Instagram. In order to access this Instagram, you need an Instagram account of your own. Then, you can request to follow me at @ginnypatreon! To make sure I know it’s you, you may also want to shoot me a private message here on Patreon to tell me your username on Instagram.

Suggestion Box — $10+ Patrons now have access to a Cosplay Suggestion Box, where you can suggest cosplays you’d like to see me do! I don’t promise I’ll create them, but I’ll definitely give those suggestions some weight, and look into any characters that I’m not familiar with. To access that box, you’ll need to go to www.ginnydi.com/suggestions and enter a password. I will be emailing that password to $10+ Patrons today! Each suggestion goes straight to my email inbox (as well as being stored in a spreadsheet on Google Drive) so you can rest assured that I am seeing each and every one!

Discounted Prints — One of the things I repeatedly heard in survey results was that a lot of you are interested in prints, but not necessarily always prints of my Patreon projects! That totally makes sense, so I’ve also decided to offer $5+ Patrons a perpetual 25% discount at my print store, as well as the opportunity to buy prints of each Patreon project when they are made available, even if my print shop is not open at the time. $5+ Patrons will be receiving an email today with the promo code. You can use this code as many times as you want, on as many prints as you want, forever! (I may change this code periodically to prevent ex-Patrons from having access to it, but I’ll let you know when/if that happens.)

Reward delivery — This isn’t a new or changed reward, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I will most likely be delivering rewards via email from now on. This will serve two purposes: One, it will prevent people from pledging, accessing all of the released exclusive content, and then removing their pledge without ever having paid a cent, and two, it will mean that I only have to make one rewards-related update on my Patreon feed per cycle (instead of one for everyone, one for $5+, one for $10+, etc.) So please make sure your email address is up to date!

That’s all for now! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to comment or send me a private message! (By the way, I considered the suggestion that I offer “a lock of hair for cloning purposes,” but decided that one of me is more than enough for this world. 😉)



Damn it, I was convinced my $100 tier woulda been a thing.


You know, I thought about it, but I'd have to get a rabbit, and then sew a little collar and cuffs for it... And where do you even find bunny-sized high heels??


Well...I know a guy who knows a guy..who knows a girl, who knows a guy who is married to someone whose friend knows a girl whose father knows a guy whose daughter can help out that need....


There was some joking (half-joking? 😜) about a $100 playboy bunny shoot tier.