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Month Themes

Due to me postponing the Codex music video to next month, April's theme is now going to be Keyleth, and Codex will be the theme for May! The commentary video for this month will be centered on this week's video, a new POV video featuring Clover the bard.

I know I promised y'all Codex prints for April, so if you specifically switched into the $35 tier for that, just shoot me a DM and we can work it out!

April Patron Spotlight

Don't forget, if you want to submit your creative work or personal accomplishments for April's spotlight, please use this form! You have through Friday to submit for this month.

Elliwyn Postcards

I heard from many postcard recipients that the printing on the stat block was difficult to read, so I got in touch with the postcard company to find out why! After a little investigation and discussing with a helpful person at Postable, I've redesigned the postcards to feature the stat block on the front and the image on the back, in hopes of the stat block being more readable. You don't need to do anything to receive the improved postcard — if you were eligible for the postcard special offer, you will receive the new version!



Todd Spencer

This type of senario is actually in my wheelhouse. Reversing might work, but the problem is the ink bleed on that type of cardstock. Try the reversal but if that doesn't work, change to a denser cardstock that is less fluffy and porous that won't let the ink "sink in" quite so much. It may be a little more pricey but it shouldn't be too much. Plus there should be plenty of reasonable alternatives you could do. If you like... I think I still have my old demo set around here somewhere and I could make some recommendations for you. I feel the same though. I can use the PDF copy with a clean print. I admire you sticking to your word on the prints though, and your desire to keep your promise. ;-)


Oop, just saw this comment! I don't have any of that control, haha. Postable has one kind of postcard. If it doesn't work better this time, I will simply have to try another company or not do any more postcards.

Todd Spencer

No worries. The new one seems to look ok. If there is anything I can do to help out let me know :-)