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Patrons and friends! I’m writing to you from my campsite in the teeny tiny town of Paxica, Kansas to say hello!

I had hoped to be able to write a Friday Thoughts article last Friday, but this trip has been a true whirlwind. Pennsylvania for two days, Virginia for two days including my sister’s graduation and mother’s day. Then driving for nine hours from Virginia to Kentucky, visiting for a day with my partner’s extended family in Louisville, and now driving nine hours to Kansas.

I promise when I return to share a full road trip report with lots of pictures, as well as your next Arty Business article on.... Etsy Business Basics!

In the meantime, I haven’t forgotten you all. I appreciate your faith and support and interest, and I hope that the promise of a road trip travelogue will tide you over until next week! 

You’re the best, I appreciate you! Enjoy the moment, explore, and breathe.



P.S. extra bonus! A sneak peek of some of the art I made in high school and college that I took pictures of while in Virginia. I’ll share the rest when I’m back in Seattle! Enjoy this Disney princess painting by Ragon circa 2011.

