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hello everyone so i been working on something for cassandra since i updated her i wanna use her xD and this is kinda like a preview of the comic cuz its very short but i just wanna show how ruthless and crazy cassandra is xD

so the girl that you see first its testament but i am just using that model as a reporter and she was planning to interview xen on his locker room but when she decided to enter there to see whats the opinion of xen agains his next opponent cassandra, She encounters a scenario that leaves her in shock xD

Mega link of this comic in case its slow here https://mega.nz/folder/M4lFXLZK#5JRZO8kLAbHISq8Ef3kH9Q 

the next part its gonna be on the right so you can see cassandra in action again xD



Mike Smith

I think business is about to pick up!