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Hello everyone so i recently updated alot of my old models and this is one of them, idk if you remember her but she is garoma its a female sumo she was one of my first OC that i show you here haha, so i have some ideas that i wanna do with her similar to the tania comic hope you like this girl too and as you can see she have big boobs and not pecs xD i know you all been missing the boobs so hope you like her too :D and like the tania comic you can comment right here what you wanna see her doing and if i like it i will try to do it on the next chapter :)

Garoma looked at the fight that Xen had with Tania and went to congratulate him because she was surprised by the great resistance that he showed in that fight, but as you know, Xen was angry for having lost and he doesn't like pats on his back and he He told Garoma to go to hell that he did not need to listen to her opinion and that she is lucky that she was not her rival because otherwise the result would have been different, then Garoma laughed very loudly and said: decided I'm going to fight against you so be prepared!!. xen was scared because this woman was bigger and heavier than the previous one so the beating would probably be worse but he wasn't gonna backdown to a fight so he stand up and said: get ready cuz i gonna slap your giant ass so hard i gonna make you cry like a bitch!!
