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Hello everyone so this is the part 4 and maybe the last part of this serie of tania vs xen talking about wrestling i think i may continue this but they will not wrestle anymore they will have some hard sex haha

Full Comic here: https://mega.nz/folder/R5kAhb4S#f7qqWN-4D7sKDODoYMqFYg 

so after she smothering him with her giant ass she instantly pick him up and start smothering him again but this time with her huge and muscular pecs, xen try so hard to fight but wasn't able to do anything her grip is so powerful its like trying to fight a trunk lol, and after that she knows he is out of air cuz he got smothered twice, so she put her gigantic and muscular arm around his little neck and start to squeeze little by little with a rear neck, her arm its soo big that Xen's small neck was not enough for Tania's huge arm and she ended up grabbing half of his head as well with her huge forearm.  

By that time, Xen had no more strength left to fight and ended up being KO'd. Tania didn't care about that, she kept squeezing and squeezing until Xen's head turned red like a tomato. At the end, she released him from the grip and She decides to make fun of him being knocked out by putting her huge foot on his face and making a pose showing her huge biceps in a sign of victory.

this is suppost to be the end of the fight but suddenly she lift him and saids that she is going to take him as a prize, do not worry that she will take good care of him, some people know that tania gets very horny when she wrestle so some people thinks that she is gonna use that poor guy as her sexual slave..



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