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Two episodes in two days? You bet your ass. Because we love you that much. And are trying to get ahead before the live show. So enjoy the story of that time Abraham almost killed his kid.


Markus Nävergård

also must be awkward beign Abrahams slave aftyer they heard that Abraham freed all the slaves in Sodom. " so you freed those slaves, what about us?"


Noah, I appreciated the Lode Runner reference.


Has anyone seen the interview with Forest Valki and Donald James Parker?

Matt Eldritch

Is anyone else thinking that they're talking about Hagar the Horrible instead of Hagar the sex slave?

Kate Hadley

Worst Bible story to make a movie out of: Jephthah, who promises to sacrifice the first thing that greets him after his victories, and it’s his daughter.

Michael Duchek

I nominate 2 Kings. When some kids make fun of Elisha for being bald, he summons 2 she-bears to maul 42 children to death.

Markus Nävergård

what we need is a bible anthology movie/ series where they take the various bad bible stories and make it into a show. we can call it " the bible"