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This month, we asked which Razzie nominee you wanted us to review, and you made us sit through this horrible shit. You're welcome.



I cannot stop laughing at Noah asking "why would you be an old creepy guy from Maine?" and Eli chiming in with "Them's the rules." 😂🤣😂🤣😂


I think they’re right, we can’t be trusted with these polls. This was hard to listen to and I didn’t even see the movie.

Markus D

I've been procrastinating on listening to this because I think bad slasher horror tends to be the most boring type of movie, but I'm trusting the guys to make this kind of entertaining anyway.


"We've been walking for 2 hours!"...a 100 acre area, unless it's a wierd, stretched shape, is less than half a mile across.


It’s always amusing to see how movies try to get around cell phones. Just putting them all in a bucket and hoping people forget is a choice. Like, just make the movie take place in like the 50s. Christopher Robin is an old timey dude, anyway.

Chani Orr

I'm so sorry guys. I didn't realize this was a real movie. I thought you guys were fucking with us with that poll, like someone had made a fake poll