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The regular episode is gonna be up a little later than usual this week, so we figured this one could tide you over. Enjoy...



Just got halfway through this one. I love you guys, particularly because you're so science-minded and evidence-based. Thus, it was stunning to hear you all blow it so terribly in regards to what ABA is and is not. You did a real disservice to people in need of treatment and spread misinformation in a way that you typically deride others for doing. Still love you, but you might want to come back and do some repair on this one. I'd be happy to link you to the evidence if you'd like.


I certainly hope it’s this, and not someone trying to defend it: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41252-021-00201-1


No, I wouldn't post that, because I would never promote an opinion piece that misrepresents the weight of the empirical evidence. If I did that, people might accuse me of cherry picking and motivated reasoning. I'm not Ray Comfort!


As an autistic person who heard all about this movie when the whole controversy emerged, I'm super happy you guys watched this so I never have to.