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This week, we watch 77 minutes of insanity in a 27 minute package.



Reviewing books with Heath!

Uriah Jackson

This is extra funny to me because Cheesecake Factory is the financial front for a non-Christian religious group, a fact so little known that even Christian shows are unaware of it. (For those who are curious, the religion CF finances is Sufism Reoriented, a yuppie appropriation that built/is building a gigantic ostentatious temple with the profits from CF.)


I looked into this and although the founder and CEO uses his own private fortune to fund a lot of Sufi projects, it is a bit misleading to say restaurant chain itself is a front for the religious movement. There is no evidence to support the notion that the restaurant is controlled or owned by Sufism Restored as would be required to legitimately be called a "front". In fact, it's publicly traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange. It's like saying Microsoft is the front for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Seattle Seahawks, because that's where the founders spent their money.