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This week, we introduce Marsh to Matt Powell. Plus, the return of Marsh's southern accent. Oh, and you get ten plus minutes of outtakes that the regular release won't have.


Denise Huston

Calamari Rain is my finishing move

Markus Nävergård

me fromt he future to Marsh. there are no "underwater dinosaurs" there is a whole slew of various marine reptiles fromt he mezosoic, including turtles, crocodiles, icthyosaurs,plio,saurs,plesiosaurs and Mosasaurs ( acctual giant marine lizard, related to varanids) but no acctual Dinosaur. one would think a pedant like Noah would have catched that. Also, to Heath if they read this. there are no pterodactyls, they are Pterosaurs, there is a genus named Pterodactylus, but that is not a catch all for all pterosaurs. Also, the Chicken is not a direct descendent of the Tyrannosaurus rex. T.rex is related to modern birds as in that they are tetunuran theropod dinosaurs. Birds are Maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs.