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Alright, we're a little late with the May Bonus. I hate to admit it, but between the book and getting ahead for Eli's paternity leave, I completely forgot I hadn't already posted it. But luckily Tim is around to pull my head out of my ass whenever it gets lodged there. Enjoy.




The way the guys kept saying, "Akamura" or maybe it was "Awkamura" when describing Okamura was kinda bizarre for me. Noah is a proud pedant that can utter the names of unpronouncable European volcanoes, seemingly with ease. I'm sorry, but if you can practice zxkjyfdyunplk enough so you can get a clean take for the record, you can take the 5 seconds to remind yourself that in Japanese, the O makes the O sound.


I actually worked on, and am in the sequel! Unfortunately, as commenters have said upthread though... It's, uh, not good (not even in a good-bad way)... But the cast was nice at least!