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On this week's episode, insanity happens and a couple of dudes desperately try to explain it. But trust us... this is what happens in the movie.



Excuse me but as a British person I'd say giving someone a hot beverage in response to shock is entirely correct


I love these movies, they're so terrible. Fun fact! The reason that the subs and dubs are so different has to do with the fact that the dubs are trying to match the "lip flaps" so the dialog has to match the movement, along with staying as true to the original dialog as possible. The captions for the subs can stay true without this. If you watch an older anime, or, say, a movie like the old Toho Godzilla movies, this is the cause for the complete disconnect of mouth movements and dubbed voices. Current VO standards are to try and make this as seamless as possible. It's a pretty tough skill to learn, actually. (Source: am a baby voice actress.)