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Sorry this one is a little later than usual.  We had a great vacation, and then it came to pass...



This movie might show at the movie theater I work for just outside St. Louis, and I need you all to know about it - Assassin 33AD is a movie about a Muslim billionaire sending a SWAT team back in time to kill Jesus. For real. also good episode

Chelsea Watts

True story: when this movie first came out, my family got free tickets to the premier in Salt Lake City. My sister and I (both ex-Mormon now) made fun of it the whole time. At the end they brought up the lights and announced that there would be a Q&A with members of the cast and we realized with horror that the lead actor of the film had been SITTING NEXT TO US THE WHOLE TIME.

Markus D

That sounds hilarious and also like the filmmakers didn't understand Muslims.