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I have every single video age-restricted, but apparently, that's still not good enough.  Uggh.  I'm so annoyed.  So from here on out, we have to be super careful about the topics suggestions that are submitted.

I was reported for a chastity title, which does NOT contain sexual gratification, so I'm going to appeal it, however, if I keep getting a bunch of these, they'll suspend my account.  

According to YouTube, their policy requires that my videos DO NOT contain any of the following:

  • Depiction of genitals, breasts, or buttocks (clothed or unclothed) for the purpose of sexual gratification
  • Pornography or depicting sexual acts, genitals, or fetishes for the purpose of sexual gratification on any surface (such as video, text, audio, images)
  • Explicit or implied depictions of sex acts for the purpose of sexual gratification.  This applies to real-world or dramatized content such as sex scenes, video games, or music
  • Masturbation, fondling, or groping
  • Masturbation or fondling of genitals, breasts, or buttocks
  • Using or displaying sex toys to provide viewers with sexual gratification
  • Animated or illustrated pornography, sex acts, or fetish content
  • Nudity or partial nudity for the purpose of sexual gratification
  • Bestiality or promotion of bestiality
  • Incest or promotion of incest
  • Non-consensual sex acts or unwanted sexualization
  • Celebrity wardrobe accidents or nude photo leaks
  • Violent, graphic, or humiliating fetish content where the purpose is sexual gratification
  • Aggregating content for the purpose of sexual gratification
  • Any sexual content involving minors



Well that sucks.


.... WTF? I'm betting its some person in IT who can't stand the fact that people like this content.


This shit is getting so stupid... really... what a bunch of Mo^%#@ I am sorry Mistress, but it seems that trying to make a content which is both hypno-fetish interesting and creative and suitable for thier puritan approch is not that possible... (in my eyes at least...) :-(


That TOS...


Says the same thing over and over, a dozen different ways, like some Dr Seuss rhyme - "you should not, shall not with your tits - and never with your naughty bits"...


"you may not tease them with your feet, nor encourage them to touch their meat..."


Seriously, though, half the music videos on YouTube are in violation, as i read it...


The bottom line is there are ass hole fundies out there both male and female who think they are the "moral police" and cruise various platforms looking for stuff to target. They have an agenda and I'm sure would be very happy to see this country turned into a Christian Theocracy base on their fundamentalist's view of the bible. Then on the other side there are rabid anti-sex "feminist" who view all sex as rape and all men as predictors and wish to live it a neo-Victorian age where women and men are sexless and sex is not mentioned or acknowledged.


i put the word feminist in quotes because these people don't really want women to be free to do and think what they want, they want to dictate what a woman should feel or want and ANY sexual interest of a man towards a woman is perversion.