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I know... I'm asking about December.  LOL

I'm planning to take some time off in December, because (crossing fingers) I might have my mom up for a visit.  She keeps backing out, because she doesn't want to inconvenience me.  Uggghhh.  As of tonight, she's open to the idea.  

So... that means I need to PLAN!!

So, here are my thoughts:


It will be difficult for me to have a suggestion box, because I won't have time to write and record... however, I have 2 ideas.

  • IDEA 1:  I go back through previous suggestions (Aug-Oct), choose one and have it pre-recorded and ready for December.  I would still create the Lab Rat and Director's Cut Versions
  • IDEA 2:  I create a holiday themed title and have it pre-recorded and ready for December.  It would still have the Lab Rat and Director's Cut Versions.

Just fyi... I will still have 2 scripts for the Elite Deciders polls - I'll just have them both pre-recorded and ready for immediate posting, after the poll results are tallied.

Based on this information, which idea do you prefer?  Idea 1?  Or Idea 2?

Please vote by Oct 8th, at 10pm ET


blank stare

the holiday themes are fun, which is why i voted for them, but the real question is which would be less stressful for You, Mistress? i'd pick whichever makes Your holiday better and easier! 💜🎄🎁🍭


I'm so glad to hear Your mom is coming to visit, Mistress - I hope you both have a wonderful time!


I agree. Whatever is easiest for Mistress