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If a historical figure could hypnotize you, who would you choose?  

Please choose from the list below, but if you have someone else in mind, also share in the comments below.

Also, tell me WHY you would choose that person to hypnotize you?



Cleopatra - she’s pretty adept at using her servants for her pleasure


that was fun, Mistress Amethyst, Elizabeth I Of England.....LOL


🎶"Mata Hari had a very wicked reputation - she was willing to be thrilling for her information"


I re-watched Some Like It Hot, only two days ago. I was pretty much hypnotized by Marilyn Monroe singing I Wanna Be Loved By You. I don’t know how they got the dress past the censors and the lighting is so teasing. It would have captured my heart if Mistress hadn’t already taken possession of that for herself.


Most likely not historically accurate, but a fun idea to play with @¿@


I chose Tituba, primarily because realistically given my personality the only one I would run into.


Of course, You chose and excellent list, Mistress. It was a difficult decision, but I chose Tituba because a witch sounds cruel and powerful.


Catherine the Great was a powerful woman, an intellectual and a woman who openly took male lovers showing an independence not usually seen in women of her era. Not only the longest reigning woman in Russian history she was also responsible for modernizing the country. She was a formidable woman and force of nature. I'm sure she would be a powerful hypnotist.