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If Mistress was a Superhero, what power would she have, OTHER THAN mind control/hypnosis, etc?

In the comments below, let me know some details on why you chose your answer.

For extra fun, comment below with the super power you'd like to be on the receiving end on?



I voted Time Travel or Time Manipulation. Mistress always says she need a clone because of the amount she has to do. If you can mess with time, you can fit more into the day.


There’s endless possibilities for fun time with shape shifting

Tom Nln

Invisibility. Cause you can surprise anybody out of nowhere with your seductive voice


Dream manipulation goes so well with mind control. Deeper and deeper.


I chose time manipulation. Either trap someone in a temporal loop like a limited ground hogs day only to be hypnotized over and over until obedient. Welcome to amethyst hypnosis show contestants entertain the audience (over and over again) and leaving as slaves. or that visitor you met all your life slowly manipulating you through out.


I can hardly decide between Dream Manipulation and TIme Manipulation/Time Travel. Dream Manipulation is closer to mind control - and I surely would love to be on the receiving end. Time Manipulation / Travels might offer more surprising applications though. Maybe my being a slave of you is something that you implanted into my mind long before I "met" you? Maybe we could travel to some other time for a hot fantasy session? - And then, Time Manipulation fits so well with hypnosis loops: being hypnotized and treated in a certain way again and again - with no hope to escape. Ahhh... So, I voted for Time Manipulation / Travels. ;-)


I am so curious about time travel fantasies:movies, etc. But also, I think about visiting the past quite often. I'd like to be inside of an invisible bubble so that I don't disturb anything but I would love to see some historical events. What did people really look like, how did their voices sound, what was daily life really like? I just love it


I think part of it stems from Somewhere In Time - I saw that movie on TV as a kid and became obsessed with it. And now, living just outside of Philadelphia, I think about the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the liberty bell ringing, the forefathers writing the Constitution or Ben Franklin walking around the city. I would love to be an observer from an invisible bubble just watching

blank stare

Flying seems like a food choice, to help Mistress with all the traveling that She loves to do! ✈️

Ian H

Dream Manipulation - of course I'd love Mistress to manipulate my dreams in a sexy way of her choosing! Not knowing what she would do to me is at least half the fun!