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Hi Everyone!

Welcome to the new format of Patreon.  As you've read in previous posts, the tiers have changed!  If you'd like to know more about the changes, please see my previous posts, which have quite a bit of detail

I wanted to give you a quick status of a few things:

  • Welcome Baskets:  If you are on a tier level that's $10 or higher, you will be receiving a Welcome Basket.  I'm still finishing them, but intend to have them posted by August 7th.  
  • Suggestion Box:  I plan to post the August Suggestion box, to the Hypno Fan tier,  on August 2nd.  I will only give you guys a few days to place your suggestions before I move it over to the Devoted Playthings+ so that they can vote on your suggestions.   Once the winner has been decided, I will begin writing the script, recording the audio, and then I'll post it to the tiers and YouTube, etc.
  • Retired Sessions:  I will be adding 20 retired sessions to the $40+ tiers for your enjoyment this week, and intend to have them fully posted by August 7th.
  • $10 Gift Certificate/Coupon Code:  I will be posting the $10 Coupon Code for the $40+ tiers this week, and no later than August 7th.  
  • Amethyst Radio:  There is already a link to Amethyst Radio on the pinned post.  

If you have any questions, please post them down below, and I'll answer them as quickly as I can.

I'm so excited to see what topics you'll be helping me create.  Let's make some great hypno!!!






You have done it! GREAT!!!


Aww thanks for the support. I'm still creating the welcome baskets, but they'll arrive soon. It's all very exciting.