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The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are the comprehensive set of cards.  Each card covers a key theme for Mistress Amethyst.


Theme: Teaching and promotion

Activity: Post a review for a session, or tweet a recommendation for a session


You are a devoted disciple of Mistress Amethyst, and you’ve learned a lot as you’ve grown with her.  New subs come into her court all the time, looking for guidance.  Mistress Amethyst is of course the primary source of this guidance, but you can still do your part to lead newcomers into deeper submission.  You’ve listened to all those sessions, so let them know which are good to start out with.  You’ve found the best ways to please Mistress Amethyst, so share them with others to increase her pleasure.  You’ve learned how to work with other devoted slaves, so welcome the new ones with open arms and let them know that this community is about cooperation not competition.  You’ve made mistakes, so let others know how to avoid them.  When this card comes up, it means it’s a good time to think about how you can further Mistress Amethyst’s following and promote her philosophies to others.  It’s a time to look over what you’ve learned, and how that can help other followers please Mistress Amethyst even more.



Comment below on how you completed this task.


The deck I'm using is the Universal Celtic Tarot by Floreana Native and Cristina Scagliotti. If you would like to purchase this deck of cards, here is the link for Amazon. Purchase On Amazon 




I have submitted a review for Resist Me Not, Mistress - at least I think I have. I'll try again if it isn't showing up for You.


It’s all right, Your Obedient series has been a great period for me, I have listened to obedient mind, obedient wow, obedient psyche countless times and maybe that's what made me serve you. It’s why I recommend it to everyone and especially beginners.


I posted a recommendation for Under Her Control -- and for you in general, Mistress.