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Theme: Creativity and Inspiration

Activity: Write a devotional haiku for Mistress Amethyst and post it on Patreon


Mistress Amethyst is a wonderfully creative woman, and it comes out in her work and her subs.  With her inspiring control, she can enjoy subs with a lot of creativity in their service.  Whether it’s a poem, a song, some art, or something completely new, doing it for Mistress Amethyst will make your work that much more spectacular.  When this card comes up, it can mean it’s time to flex that creativity.  Will it be a new spin on something tried and true, or a crazy big idea?  Whether it’s big or small, you’re sure to put a smile on her face!


Please post your haiku below in the comments.  I'm watching to see who is obeying these tasks.



The deck I'm using is the Universal Celtic Tarot by Floreana Native and Cristina Scagliotti. If you would like to purchase this deck of cards, here is the link for Amazon.  Purchase On Amazon  




Eyes closed, you sink Down with her voice Vortex Snap, nothing but LUST She speaks again Blank Inside your head control is spreading Surrender!


Inspired by yesterday's session: To float is to sink An ocean of submission Only She is real