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The new breast size seems to be working awesome!

and we are only 2 days into March!




Another good thing to implement is skin color change also another thing you can add is making it possible to talk to ur Egirl outside of the app via a text bubble. From there she can still accompany you while you do things irl, if that's possible for you to do


I both are very tempting, adding a different skin color is a lot of work but it's possible. The text bubble stuff it's something I'm not even sure the game engine e girlfriend uses would be able to do. Nevertheless it is an amazing idea


Ah yeah I'm just trying to help the game with ideas n stuff to make it even better loll but if anything I'm sure different skins would be a great addition to ur game, as well as the idea I stated before a long time ago of a Brothel you can go to when your Egirl isn't home and she has a 50% chance to catch you loll. Still great job on the game so far bro