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Allright this is a short post to let you guys now that I'm working on a new videogame.
I'm preaty exited about it and hope to be able to include some of you and your characters in the development of the project.

So yeah just wanted to let you know that... If you have any questions just let me know...



That's sounds great ^^


Awesome!! Lots of IR I hope


Ya interracial


It sounds great! I'd love to see some of the characters we know come back.


Is there a demo version ready to be played?


What characters? Any we know or plans for future ones?


No demo for the moment, there are some early versions that I've been using to test it. I'm thinking about opening the sponsorship of a limited amount of characters probably just 4 for the 1st beta version. I think it might be ready within the next 3-4 months. But I'm not sure about price yet because I'm still calculating the amount of work adding a new character will cost. Nevertheless I'm committed to creating a preview version only for patrons soon.