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Hey guys... Please only pictures! 

We can't allow neither links to Facebook accounts or anything that connects pictures to the real person... 

That's it! :D

In other news I've been working all morning organizing all files from the Nastiverse to have a Beta Version as soon as possible... 

Gonna work on sound and a little graphic polish all day
A loot of work but it's looking nice!



Can't wait to see what this thing looks like and to play it!! That's a good rule I understand what you mean!


How do I even post a pic without using a link? I’m using Patreon app and I don’t see it


Should be a paper clip icon just like adding any type of atatchment. The issue is not posting links to people's personal facebook accounts & personal pages giving away the person. Try logging onto a computer and see if that gives you the standard attachment icon. I posted a picture from a PC and that is what it did for me.


Thanks for your help Curiosy! By the way I think it's easier to post pictures as a community post


You mean just post in the community section? If I read you right?


Yes I saw DarkCrimson posting pics there earlier