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Some of you've asked me about adding some specific characters to the Nastiverse... I'll be thinking on a way we can make it work... Because I can't add them all but I really want to ad some!

I was thinking about a voting process... 



Fuck yea!i know who I want


Can u post who you want in the community is love to see


18 year old latina Nadia ;)


Wth I’m posting the link but it won’t appear


Use my wife! (Well, um, you know what I mean.)


Hey, Curiousytown ... I have posted some frames by our Artist, Mr. Deadbird, of my wife Louise's character ... on the Community page, as you suggest. Let me know what you think. Louise is a MILF in her mid-50s, with grown children. She starts off as a very conservative, religious lady. But it's funny how those things sometimes change!


Wow guys I wasn't expecting you to be so active! Awesome! So I think I figured out how to make this work. We'll arrange raffles! I'll make a post about it later on tonight explaining it in More detail! It's awesome to have you all here!


Paul, Your wife Louise looks like a wonderful MILF next door. Mr. Deadbird sure did a nice job with her....seems he brought out her "naughty" side if you know what I mean! HAHA! Thanks for sharing! I like her a lot and the job he did with her!


The Mom in the "Mother Fuckers" story on your website would also be an excellent character. Loved her so much.


Good one Paul! What was her name like Monica?? She was nice big curvy Latin Lady! She'd be fun!


I don't know if it tells her name, but she is a gorgeous brunette with a very pretty face and nice big ass.