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As quick as the pain came, it faded, but not before leaving the water boiling hot. My skin reddened, but it didn't hurt. My hand spasmed as the electric flames disappeared, leaving behind a glowing rune.

I brought the back of my hand closer to my face and examined the swirls. The lines reminded me of vines forming a sharp cut in the center, with three additional spikes fanning the top. Emerald light spilled out, but not nearly as bright as before. I flexed my hand and winced as my fingers curled stiffly. But the more I flexed my muscles, the looser they became. Nearly a minute of hand exercises later, my hand felt fine, the only difference being the rune.

I poked it. Nothing happened.

Why did this appear all of a sudden?

The rune looked vastly different from the swirling shadow rune on my sternum. As I switched my gaze between runes, I paused, slowly reached up, and grasped the red crystal necklace resting against my chest.

My thumb ran along the cool surface, letting the morning light shine through, scattering into scarlet rays.

I had been wearing it all this time, but I somehow forgot it existed. It was as if the necklace wasn't there until just now. I tapped into my core and sent mana into my eyes before spinning the crystal. Even with an increased mana sense, I saw nothing unusual. No runes, no magic, no mana.

I dropped the necklace and stashed my concerns for another day. I'd bring it up with Devon, but he confirmed the necklace was safe, so I wasn't too concerned.

Right. New, weird rune. Maybe if I run mana through it?

Eagerly my core surged, rushing through my chest and arm. As the mana surged toward the rune, I felt a static buzz, and the rune flared to life. I brought my hand closer as the rune flashed.


I smacked into the side of the basin before spinning around. Flames erupted, and I prepared to attack. But nobody was there. Water sloshed around my waist as I stood up and scoured the room. On the second pass, I finally noticed my pile of clothes was not where I had put them.

My shirt lay next to the chair where I had placed it, but my pants and underwear were on opposite ends.

Wait, where's my…

Resting against the stone next to the basin, my axe lay amidst a puddle of water. And along the center of the axe head, a familiar emerald rune caught the sunlight.

On a hunch, I tightly controlled the mana flow and slipped a single thread into the rune on my hand. The axe's rune flashed and jumped toward me. The axe head smacked into my thigh before I lost concentration and stopped the mana.

The axe clattered to the floor, splashing water around. With the mana gone, the rune dimmed and returned to its dull glow.

Oh. Rock-splitter's club did the same thing. Holy crap.

I repeated the process of sending a thread of mana into my hand. This time, as the axe launched itself, I reached out my hand and grasped the shaft as it smacked into my palm. The mana forcefully stopped as I felt the rune reject it. My core tried to send more, but I pushed it away and swung my axe.

The weapon sliced through the air, creating a gentle whistle. Rearing my arm back, I tensed, then launched my axe. It sailed through the air and embedded itself into the chair. Splinters broke apart as the wood sliced deep.


But as I sent mana into my hand, the axe left the wood without resistance and spun toward me. Thwack! I caught the axe, the weapon having righted itself as it neared my reach. Again, I swung and let the whistle fill my ears.

A smile spread and I chuckled.

Oh, hell yeah.

Relaxing bath forgotten, I dried off and dressed before returning to my room. For the next half hour, I busied myself by testing the new feature of my axe. I cut myself several times, the stone blade slicing into my finger or my arm. At one point, I nearly mutilated myself. My thumb showed exposed bone that I quickly wrapped until till it healed.

But with each attempt, I refined the technique. The axe also seemed to improve, correcting itself quicker and injuring me less. By the hundredth try, I threw my axe toward the opposite end of the room before recalling it. It sailed true and I caught it and spun. I sliced downward, then upward, and threw it again while dashing toward the door.

Mana flared, and my axe slotted into my palm, my fingers wrapping around its shaft.

"Hah!" I cheered.

Alice won't know what's coming!

A beat passed, and my smile faded. I had forgotten about everyone else for a time and enjoyed the cool magic trick I could do. And yet, a single reminder of how awkward it would be around the others brought the mood down.

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Freki emerged and rested his head on my lap. His fur tickled my hand, but I was long used to the cold that made up his body.

"What do you think, Freki? Neat trick?"

He responded by licking my arm, and I pushed him away.


I slipped my fingers under his chin and scratched below. He groaned and barreled into me, knocking me down. As the dire wolf jumped onto the bed and settled next to me, I felt my cloak shift and move out of the way of his paws. Seconds passed, and I raised my hand, letting my axe come into view.

Freki, the cloak, the axe; it felt like things were changing. Freki responded to me more, and I could swear I almost understood him more often than not. My cloak had been a constant presence, one that has protected me through many battles. And now my axe had grown closer. Its connection was akin to my cloak, a faint bond between us, but it was there.

At least these three don't come with trouble.

I didn't know how much longer I had left till the tailor arrived, but I closed my eyes and sank into a meditative state. Even faint, I felt all three bonds, with Freki being the brightest. It provided comfort.

As I began to sink into a true meditative state, knocking at the door jarred me out of the inner zen. I sat up and glared at the door.

This is becoming a trend.

"Sir Grimm? The tailor is here to see you," came a feminine voice.

Freki returned to his usual abode, and I slotted my axe along my belt.

I wonder what's appropriate attire to see a king.

Before I reached the door, the person behind it knocked again, and I yanked the door free. The metal screeched, and the woman behind it covered her ears. Sheepishly, I mouthed 'sorry' and smiled.

The maid I didn't recognize bowed and slipped away, leaving me alone with a woman dressed in eccentric blue. Her hat sported multiple feathers, and she wore a simple but colorful dress. Next to her feet was a large suitcase and several bundles wrapped in brown paper.

I sniffed the air, and noticed the almost bittersweet fragrence. It was subtle, hidden behind the silk.

"Uh, hello. Please come in. I'm Cain," I greeted.

She dipped her head into a bow. "Greetings, sir, Grimm. I am Nareid."

She picked up her suitcase, and I rushed to collect the bundles. She dipped her head once more before walking into the room. Her eyes hovered where the table and chair used to be.

Nareid cleared her throat as I shut the door. "I am told that you would like some outfits made? And that you are to meet his Majesty?"

I set the bundles down on the bed and sat down. "Yeah, I've been making do with what I had so far, but uh, I could use some more variety."

Her eyes roamed my hoodie and pants, pausing at each patch of mismatched fabric. I watched her lips dip before she regained control and smiled.

"That can be accomplished. I don't recognize your shirt's design, but I am a skilled woman. And the Ashtons have agreed to foot the bill. Is there any style you prefer?"

I blinked.

Did I have a style?

"Anything comfortable, I guess. Nothing too fancy, we spend most of our time in the wilderness, so I prefer something durable."

The light faded from her eyes, and her smile turned neutral.

"Understandable," she said tersely. "And what about the meeting with his Majesty? Shall I design noble attire?"

I shook my head. "Nah. I don't think what we wear will matter much."

And her eye just twitched.




Thanks for the chapter 😊