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There wasn't fear as I stared down the angry werewolf. I raised my hand and set fire to the blood coursing through my veins. Green flames erupted from my skin, traveling up my arm to my shoulder.

Freki rose from my shadow and curved to my side, draping his body in front of me. A deep growl battled against Garret's, both snarling wolves displaying their fangs.

"Attack me, and I'll burn you alive," I said calmly.

Beside me, Alice casually pulled out her axe and dropped her hips into a wide stance. I grinned.

"You!" Garret rumbled. He took a step forward, his massive paw scratching the wood underneath. "I'll rip you into two!"

He looked ready to leap, his muscles tensing as he extended both arms.

His eyes flashed, and I pooled the mana into my palm.

Bring it!

"Enough!" Devon commanded.

The hunter's voice wrapped its authority around my core, and for a moment, it paused the flow of lava inside my chest but was burned away in an explosion of anger that nearly floored me.


I cut the lifeblood fueling the fire and lowered my hand as the green flames receded into my skin. My core churned and raged against the ceasefire. It took a few seconds to calm down.

Garrett stood still, his body frozen like a statue. His eyes glowed, and his legs were tense, coiled, and ready to jump. But he didn't, and eventually, he shifted back.

He grunted and looked away. "Fine."

Alice lowered her axe and resheathed it like nothing happened. The sight of that brought the adrenaline to a screeching halt. Freki continued to growl, but I ran my fingers through his fur and gently tugged him back. He sank into the ground but barked at Garret before his head dipped below the floor.

Devon continued to glare at us from his seat.


Garrett growled. "You're not my boss, Devon. I'll d-"

"Sit," Devon ordered. "I won't ask again."

Garrett looked ready to shift again but complied and sat down. The armrest creaked under his grip, but he openly stared between us as if daring to say something.

I ignored his antics and crossed my arms. "Out of all the people to be our contact, it had to be him? Really?"

"Shut it, pup! You have no rig-" Garrett began.

Devon slammed his foot onto the leg of Garrett's chair, jolting him. "Enough. Your grievances aside, he's my trainee, and I will stand by him. Now quit the whining and answer my question. Do I make myself clear?"

Aww he really does care.

I snorted, drawing looks from both of them. Devon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before leaning forward.

Garrett backed away, looking uncomfortable with Devon's closeness. "I already told you. I needed to get away from the Warren. To get away from…"

Alice tensed beside me.

"How did you get here then?" she asked.

"I asked Neina for an emergency teleport and was sent here. I traded places with Mowlii and took over the investigation. That's all," Garrett grumbled. "I didn't think you three would take on the Sealed One's case. And why are you even here, Alice? What happened to Adeline?"

Alice worked her jaw and exhaled, her eyes tinted red. "I needed more than what Adeline had planned."

Silence filled the room.

Garrett waited, his eyes narrowing. "I forget how much alike you and Devon are."


He snorted. "Right. So I answered your question. Can I go now?"

"We have a lot to discuss," Devon said.

"Yeah, we do," Garrett grumbled. He stood up, ignoring Devon's glare. "But not tonight. I feel like tearing your throat out; I'm not going to talk to you."


Garrett turned and sized me up. His lip curled, exposing his canines. "I would have thought you'd be dead by now. Devon as your mentor, Elias' best friend… if monsters didn't kill you, he should have."

My cloak flared up, wrapping around my back in a tight squeeze as my shoulders tensed. "Still breathing."

"Won't be for long. The Blood Harvest is coming up; whether we're trapped here or in the Warren matters not. You won't survive, pup!"

I blinked.


All eyes turned to Devon, who removed his hand from the broken armrest.

"Garrett. Shut it, or I'll rip off a limb," he said, his voice cold as ice.

"Why?" Garrett asked. He glanced from Devon to me and then to Alice. His eyes widened, and he chuckled. "Oh. What, didn't tell them? He doesn't know, does he? Oh, Devon. You really are an ass."

Devon stood up.

"Tell us what? What are you talking about?" I asked. I turned to Devon, who looked ready to murder the other hunter. "Devon?"

Garrett walked away from Devon and approached. My hand went to my axe, but Garrett had a smug smile, his shoulders completely relaxed.

"You're not prepared, pup. Hell, even I'm not. None of us are. The Blood Harvest will eat you alive, and I'll gladly watch."

I gritted my teeth. "What are you talking about?"

"I'd like to know as well," Alice said.

"Sneaky, Devon. So you plan to get some use out of him before throwing him to the wolves. Should have known. The Heartless lives up to his reputation."

Snapping sounds rang between the walls, reaching my ears as I turned to stare. Devon's sleeve was gone, his arm massive and hairy. His claws splayed out, sharp black nails gleaming in the firelight.

"Last warning."

Garrett grinned and held up both hands. "Fine. I'll talk to you tomorrow. The King is a skittish fuck. He'll want to meet you right away anyway."

He walked out the door, slamming it behind him. I uncrossed my arms and walked to the recently vacated chair. Devon watched as I plopped down. His eyebrows formed a 'V' as I leaned back and relaxed.

Freki rose from my shadow and lay down by my feet. Having his weight on my legs was comforting.

"Are you going to shift back? Looks crazy," I commented.

Devon's arm returned to normal, and he sat down, resting his face in his hands. "Too much bark will get you killed, pup."

"Maybe, but there's been a lot of bullshit and mystery."

"He's stronger than you."

And I'd fight tooth and claw. Not the point, Devon.

"Sure. But I'm done being overwhelmed. What's pain when you heal?"

He growled, and I glanced at Alice, staring at the fire.

Yeah, let's get this done with.

"Devon," I said, "time to fess up. What did he mean? What the hell is a Blood Harvest?"

"I haven't heard of it. Neither you nor Adeline ever mentioned it," Alice muttered.

I frowned, realizing something. "Is this what you meant back then? When you picked me up after meeting Astra? You said something about needing me to get ready. Is that what all this is? To have me be a useful sacrifice?"

"Cain!" Devon roared. "No!"

"Then what, Devon? Was Garrett talking out of his ass, or was there some truth to that?"

He destroyed the rest of his armrest with a swipe that sent shrapnel flying. A couple of pieces hit my cloak, which rebuffed them, but Freki growled as a piece smacked his snout.

"No! No, there isn't truth to it! I am many things, but I wouldn't throw away Elias' sacrifice so easily! You don't get to accuse me of that, or I'd have let you die back in the forest. You'd be chunks of meat in the ground, rotting in a beast's belly!"

"What the fuck did he mean then?"

"You're lying," Alice whispered. We turned to face her, Devon practically spitting. Her eyes narrowed to thin points. "Is that why you were so against me joining?"

Contrary to how Devon had been previously acting, his voice was filled with hesitation when he uttered her name. "Alice…"

"That's it. Adeline never told me about this, nor did Elias. You have always made sure I was prepared and safe. You didn't want me to participate, right? That's why we haven't held a ritual in so long. Pups are unwanted."

I split my focus between the two. Alice looked like fury incarnate, while Devon looked defeated.

“It was Elias’ request… you’re too young…” Devon whispered, his voice barely audible.




Okay spicy situation... Will we get some answers from Devon? Thanks for the chapter 😊