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The city was busy. People bustled to and fro, unconcerned about the caravan making its way through the streets. Some looked our way, and a few bulged their eyes at the sight of the red cloak, but nobody reacted to the same extent as the ones in previous villages and towns.

The horses were massive beasts, so people backed off and gave enough room, but the streets were wide, and we slipped through unimpeded. Eventually, we turned down a major road, and I saw a grand castle atop a hill above the city. It was half built onto a large cliff, the dark brick shielding the sun with its tall spires.

It looked very medieval, and I half expected a grand wizard to come flying out of one of its towers.

In general, buildings were made of higher quality than those in the previous town, and the residents looked cleaner. As far as smells, everything still smelled dirtier than it should have, but I was learning to accept that modern Earth society had a higher standard for cleanliness.

Considering I bathed with a barrel of water and in rivers… I can’t really complain. I probably smell too.

The clops of horse hooves carried us toward the center ring—a common trend I’ve learned to expect—and brought us to a massive mansion. Its large metal gates lined with immaculate hedges sprawled for several blocks. It wasn’t the only mansion within the confines of the gate; three others were placed at its corners, leaving a large open park in the middle.

As the lead caravan maneuvered next to the gate, I scanned the area and a few more gated sections littering the inner ring. Each had four mansions inside a large square—a strange design choice, but it kept things fancy.

Yadalee yanked on the reins, and the horses continued, moving past the gate and down the even, stone path.

“Hey, Yadalee,” I asked.

“Yes, Cain?” she replied.

“Volk works for the Crown. Does that mean you’ll be done with the Ashtons after we unload everything? I’m confused since you spoke like you’ve been with them for a while.”

Yadalee smiled and brushed hair out of her eyes. “No. I’m a House Ashton guard. Same with Merrick. Jezra, Volk, Crolus, and a few others will stay for a while, but most likely, the Crown will assign them to someone else after all is said and done. Whenever we return to our home back in Scaltraza, we’ll be accompanied by different guards and a different captain.”

“Wait, so how many men do the Ashtons keep?”

“Despite being important enough to be recalled to the capital, the Ashtons aren’t big. We left behind three squads of men. Mrs. Ashton asked for me specifically to come along, so I did.”

I frowned. “Really? No offense, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you guys talk.”

She chuckled and shifted the horses to the right, where the first wagon was curving to a stop next to the southwest mansion. “She knows I love reading. And the library available in the capital is more than what we have back home. We don’t need to talk; I am an Ashton guard doing my duty.”

Maybe they are friendly outside of uniform? Meh, oh well. Not my business.

We came to a stop, and I hopped down and stretched. It felt good to get off my ass, and I turned toward the horse. I was ready to help unhitch the horses from the wagon, but Yadalee hopped down and shook her head.

“We’re just unloading some supplies, and someone else will take the horses to a stable inside the city. If you want to help grab the stuff from the back, I can direct you on what is ours to keep and what stays.”

“Sure thing.”

The process was quick; Devon and Alice helped with the unloading process. When we finished, a man in grey clothes with a rich-blue sash around his shoulder bowed to Yadalee before hopping onto the wagon bench.

We watched him turn the horses around and drive off toward the gate.

Beside me, Alice yawned and stretched.

“Tired?” I joked.

She cracked her neck and shook her head. “No.”

“But you just…”

“Popping my ears. We’re at a higher elevation.”

I pinched my nose and tried to blow through it; sure enough, my ears popped, and I tugged on my earlobe to minimize the uncomfortable feeling.

“Didn’t really notice. I guess the castle is closer than before.”

Alice turned to Devon, and he glanced her way. “Are you meeting with the other Grimm today?”

“Possibly. They’ll know of our arrival, but they may not be nearby,” he explained with a yawn of his own.

Shouting could be heard, and a moment later, Volk began to make his way toward us.

The captain was all smiles, his face relaxed and his chin high. When he approached, he lowered his head in a bow. “Thank you, Grimms. It has been an honor and pleasure to have you join us. Without you three, things would have been a disaster… From me and the Crown, thank you.”

Movement caught my eye, and I found Yadalee bowing just the same.

“Thank you, Grimms,” she said.

Luckily, the awkwardness ended soon enough, and Volk gave one last salute before walking off. I raised my eyebrow at Yadalee, but she looked away, light pink coloring her cheek.


“So we’ve been told to expect rooms. Can’t wait to sleep on a real bed!”


It was heavenly. Literally everything I could imagine. The soft mattress molded around my body, and the pillows supported my neck with its soft soft embrace.

Aaaaah. Oh, I’ve missed you, sweet comfort.

I pulled the covers up to my chin and squirmed even deeper into the bed. I never wanted to leave. Devon couldn’t make me–it was too good.

The room was fairly spacious and well decorated. It even came with a minibar filled with liquor.

Whatever happens in the next few days, at least we get some comfort.

My eyelids fell, and I welcomed the lazy tug of sleep as it called me to its lands.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I shot up, my eyes glued to the door.

“Cain. Get up. The other Grimm is here,” Alice called from behind the solid oak.

Mentally I screamed and kept it confined as I threw the covers off in a huff. The moment my feet hit the floor, every bit of relaxation I had gotten with the unfortunately short half-hour left my body.

As I pulled the door open, Alice cocked her head and stared as I fumbled with my belt.

“Devon’s inside the parlor room. The other Grimm arrived a few clicks ago.”

Right, clicks. Aagh, why couldn’t they come tomorrow.

“What do they look like? Recognize them?” I asked as I shut the door to my bedroom and joined Alice in the hall.

She shook her head. “No idea. I was sent to find you. At first, I thought you’d be in the kitchen seeking food.”

“I… fair, I guess. But I told you where I’d be.”

“Yeah, I forgot, my apologies,” she said as she took the lead.

I nearly stopped and asked her what was wrong, but she seemed stiff.

Not like you to forget, Alice.

We made our way through the mansion till we stopped at the parlor door. it was closed, but I could hear voices coming from within. A strange scent entered my nose, bringing a sense of familiarity crashing into my thoughts.

Something heavy smashed the ground, and a shard of red glass rolled from underneath the doorframe.

I looked to Alice, and she frowned as she sniffed the air.

“Familiar, right?” I asked.

“Yes,” she growled. “It is.”

Before I could ask another question, she grabbed the handle and yanked the door open.

The two people in the room turned to watch us. Devon looked like he had eaten a sour grape. His eyes darted between Alice and then me before he growled.


“You!” Garett roared. He started to shift, and the growl he emitted filled the room. Crimson eyes bore down on me, and sharp teeth dripped with saliva. “You brought the murderer with you!”




Thanks for the chapter 😊 Cain can stand his Grimm now after his stat boost and I hope he'll do it to lecture everyone that he's not to be pushed around 😈😁