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Arturous greedily devoured the honey-covered mutton, his massive lips filling the garden with uncomfortable noises.

"So I take it, you like it?" I asked, patting the massive bear on the snout.

He responded by slipping his tongue past the meat and slamming it into my cheeks. I took the hit and quickly wiped away the saliva before retreating behind the portable grill.

The last remains of sunlight shined across the mountaintop, illuminating the cliff edge in a wash of color while a faint breeze blew across the land.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling, my tail bracing against the wind as it sent a gentle tickle across my skin.

"Feels good?" Celenae asked.

She had a book in her hand and Magnus in her lap as she lounged on the lawn chair. My sleepy familiar was full and lethargic, without a care in the world, as he rested on her stomach.

"You spoil him. Going to get fat with all those crystals."

She pulled the half-eaten pink quartz the size of a dog's bone from underneath his paws. He was too sleepy to protest but he did swipe and broke a sliver to lick before it was taken away.

With his current size, he was more a small blanket than a cute little kitten but Celenae didn't seem to mind.

"I don't think that's possible. His form is created whenever you summon him, providing him with a new vessel. If he got fat, it would have to be a conscious choice."

"Not fat," Magnus purred.

"Still spoil him," I said.

"And there's nothing wrong with that. He makes a good reading companion," Celenae retorted.

My tail came into view and I observed the flames. They didn't interact with the wind, behaving like a ghost. Yet I felt the wind passing through the flames and how it spread a strange sensation I couldn't describe.

"I wouldn't say it's good, but it's not bad. Just different."

As I sat down, Eodyne swung by, the surfboard cutting through the sky as she blasted a cone of wind below her to break the landing. She skidded toward the gate and managed to stop in time before crashing.

She unscrewed the sail and made both items disappear into her dimensional storage before walking over.

"It's different from the gliders we use in the storm plains, but it does provide a more stable flight," she said.

"We call it parasailing back on Earth. You usually use it to ride the waves, not the sky."

She flopped into her chair and I handed her some of the meat. Like Arturous, she devoured the mutton with a gusto that was at odds with the storm archer.

"Any good?" I asked.

Eodyne wiped the juices from her chin and nodded. "Very. But I'd prefer more spice. It is too sweet."

"Eh, try some of those Aldurzan spice again. Just need to find a way to balance the acidity."

Celenae snapped her book shut and leaned back, motioning to the grill. I handed her a medium-sized leg and summoned my beanbag before settling down.

"How was the Healer's guild? Was the director happy to see you again?" she asked between bites.

"Mmm. She was. Concerned, and surprised at my evolution. I think its made her more suspicious but eh. She ran Galarion through even more tests and sent me away. I'll get the next batch of patients tomorrow."

"Will you be participating in Charity Day?"

I sighed. "Yeah. Syrreisha's nagging was enough. I just don't see a point. There's so many healers who are higher tier than me."



Eodyne pointed her mostly gnawed mutton leg in my direction as if brandishing a sword. "Fool."

"She's right," Celenae agreed. "You really don't understand how insanely good of a skill Áine is. And just how much mana you have compared to others."

"Alright. I'll bite. My familiar is amazing, I won't ever deny that. But you're telling me a tier-two dedicated healer can't do things better?"

"They might, if they were a fully slotted individual with numerous healing skills? Then yes, they could do better. But that's one person spending however much mana they have on a whole throng of people. Do you even realize just how many adventurers rely on days like these? there is a reason why the adventuring guild has a long-standing deal toward healers who need essence to tier up."

"Didn't know that. Guess it makes sense. So fine, another number to pad the tide. What makes Verdant Healer different?"

Celenae summoned a knife and I prepared to channel mana into my skill but she redirected the blade into the mutton. A sliver fell and she caught it as she cut a thicker piece next.

She held the pieces up. "Most healing skills can fix the injury, repair it. But it draws on nutrients. You know this."

"Still surprised you know what nutrients are."

"I suspect the translation isn't completely accurate but yes. We have basic knowledge in anatomy and science thanks to gods like Auroranis."

"That's... Solaria's god of knowledge?"

"Correct. He led a campaign for better nutrition some centuries ago. Lead to most villagers having a basic understanding to eat a variety of food," she lectured. I smiled and she shook her head. "Back to the topic. You know that in potions it pulls from your storage. Healing skills are usually the same. In the worst scenario, some can cannibalize your fat storage and muscles to repair the damage."

"And Áine doesn't do that."


Eodyne tossed Arturous the bone and stretched. "And not to mention the targetability of her healing."

"Also correct! Her ability to restore your body but also leave room for growth is outstanding. Nobles would kill for those kinds of skills."

"Mmm. Yeah no."

"Not the point," Celenae sighed.

"Doesn't even matter anyway. I already agreed to stick around for an hour or two. And my only requirements were handled pretty seriously. Private booth, heavy enchantments and even a bodyguard."

The women stared with suspicious eyes.

"What?" I prompted.

"Cyrus. The guild doesn't have bodyguards."

I shrugged. "Syrreisha promised one. Though now that I think about it, she was weirdly insistent. Although, why wouldn't a guild have bodyguards? Seems dumb."

"They have individuals to help calm patients undergoing psychotic breakdowns and self harm. But in the end, it's a choice and you're free to leave at any point. What one chooses to do with their life whether that be to squander or to live it out, is up to them. As long as you are not a threat to others."

It was different from the sentiments held on Earth. Whether it was good or bad wasn't for me to decide. I could appreciate the freedom, and it was nice to know the people I was helping weren't a bunch of quacks who locked you in padded cells.

For a time we watched the sun set and the stars come out to play. Fanalis bathed the clouds in soft pink light, illuminating the sky.

I was about to get up and grab the last of the meat from the table and start packing it away but thought better of it. While it was instinctual to use, I was still coming to terms with having what was essentially another limb.

My tail speared the table, cracking the wood.


With some effort it pulled away and I carefully wrapped it around the plate, managing to not scratch the ceramic with the tip.

The plate landed on my lap and I grinned. "Wasn't too bad."

"That reminds me. Next sparring lesson, we'll be incorporating your tail into the routine. Expect difficulty." Eodyne stated coldly.

"Can't I enjoy small victories?" I said.

"You can. And you can enjoy them while struggling to achieve bigger ones."


I summoned Chomperz and he waved high to the girls before sucking in the grill and plate. He continued to evade my hugs and I rubbed at my chest after he returned to my soulspace.

It was nice to not have to worry about the dragonling. The soul damage was gone, and the divinity was assimilated.

Celenae hummed. And I waited for her to say whatever it was she wanted to say.

"You know. Seeing him reminds me we still need to get the dungeon loot identified. That golem core especially!"

"Right. I should get on that. I promised Sereza half the loot."

"Cyrus think about the discoveries!"

"Couldn't give a shit."

"You're frustrating."

I stuck out my tongue but Eodyne blew air into our faces.

"You're both frustrating. Don't ruin a good evening. It's too peaceful for your insanity."

"Yes ma'am!" I said while saluting.

That particular action earned myself a stronger buffet of wind but it was all in good fun.

While things were calming once more, I summoned a journal I had been putting off for awhile. One that Celenae saw once and had never stopped grilling me about.

Aaaaand there's the mania.

"Is that the book?"

"The book? You mean the book a god gave me?" I asked innocently. Her eye twitched and I laughed. "Yes. It's just some studying on my end."

"They're ancient runes that have never been seen before!"

"Mhhm. And I should probably learn them. He went through the trouble of writing down the instructions, might as well."

Out of all the reactions I expected, what Celenae was doing was not one of them. She bolted out of her chair and had her head pressed firmly to the grass. It was a beggar's pose, one of supplication and pleading.

"Let me learn."

What the fuck?

I turned to Eodyne for help but she shrugged.

"I've only ever seen her do this once before. And we had to wait in a village for three weeks until she was done."


She didn't raise her head.


"Stop it, you're freaking me out."

"Not until I find a way to secure per-"

I threw the book at her but she managed to reflexively catch it between two barriers.

Revulsion tumbled down my spine and I shook it out. "Please never do that again. Just ask normally, ugh."

The elf wasn't even paying attention. Her eyes were glued to the book.

I reached over and she dropped the barrier. My mana threaded into the ghostly chains and they unfurled, retracting into the book's spine.

"Here, take a stab but I'll need it back. Eraztis didn't give me a restriction but I'm not going to push my luck."


As Celenae lost herself into new knowledge I picked up the beanbag and plopped next to Eodyne.

"Where's the others anyway? Teddy I know is busy with his parents, but where are Igas and Isaac?"

She leaned forward, rescuing Magnus from where he was set aside in Celenae's haste. He rumbled a complaint but it died as soon as she wrapped him in her arms and settled into her chair.

"Igas is busy with the children. Isaac... he's visiting a friend," she explained.

"Why'd you say so weirdly?"

"It's the girl from the underground. His old childhood friend. Their relationship was... complicated but he cared for her."


Well now I feel like an asshole for not asking him if he was okay.

Eodyne nudged me. "What is that look?"

"Just thinking I have been so caught up in my own shit that I haven't stopped to consider that he might be going through something. That makes me a crappy friend doesn't it?"

"Yes," she said bluntly. "But you have your own problems, and what you must undergo is a storm by comparison. Do not worry, he does not blame you. But do better in the future."

I smiled and leaned back, closing my eyes. "Yeah, I can do that. Do you think he'd like some more lasagna?"


