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Alright, I'm sorry that the last post was kinda vague. Now I want to clarify some things and hopefully everything will be answered.

1. The only pics that will be deleted from patreon are all peril pics. The others pics deemed safe will stay.

2. I have all the pics archived. They are not gone. I plan to reupload it later, probably on pixiv. But not immediately. If you're interested on seeing it, keep an eye on my pixiv gallery.

3. Golden Blonde Tier/Commissions are now officially shut down. I personally am sad to let it go. But as most of the GB pledger are very much in it for the peril content,  and peril content are kinda my main thing, I don't want to make it so it has no peril at all. This leads to point 4.

4. So then how do I do commissions now? There are 2 possibilites:

-I will open comms on DeviantArt. I'm still doing it even before this, but I do it like once every 3-4 months. From now on I plan to do it more often and with more slots available. Maybe once every 2 months.

-I might open pixiv requests. This one I'm still learning, so I can't be sure if I'm actually open it or not. But I'll keep you guys updated through twitter.

5. I plan to open Pixiv Fanbox. This one will be purely my own content, like my comics, stories, etc. I plan to work on them much more often.  The benefit will purely be early access. And yes, this one won't be about commissions at all. All of them just my own stuff.

6. And lastly, as I think I might not update this patreon page anymore, please unpledge from this page. For now, if I'm gonna upload pics, I'll do it either through twitter, deviantart or pixiv. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support all this time.

I think this will cover most of the questions. I'll be deleting the peril pics next morning, so about 10 hours from now. After that the patreon page will stay with the remaining images at least for now.

If you guys have any questions, please put it in the comments. I'll do my best to answer it as clear as possible. Thank you very much and have a good weekend!



It's SAVER. I'm very sorry about this. I hope you get better results in a new place.

Jesse gartung

I hope you feel better