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The building where Tri-Ton Inc. resides doesn't only have the workplace for the employees. It also has a public pool that located on the lower floor, while the "work pool" is located above it.

The "work pool", or main pool as the employees would call it, had a window that located on the bottom, where the people who are using the public pool can take a peek into what's going on inside the Tri-Ton's main pool.

Nearing the 31st of October, the twins Mana and Naya of Tri-Ton decided to play a little trick. They dressed up in a costume and hangs out on the bottom of the main pool so people on the public pool might get a little surprise. Considering their almost extraordinary breath holding skill, the twins could stay pretty long on the bottom, only had to go up for air every 5 minutes or so.

The stunt was pretty successful as eventually a crowd gathered in front of the window.  Some recorded the whole small event that lasts around half an hour. Some are amazed at the skill the twins possessed, some seems pretty interested in their costume... All in all, it was a good time for everyone.




great. now i wanna see these succubi, sucking water XD