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peak (only chika)


The "Kaguya was starving for familial love" line is such great foreshadowing during the scene where she's imagining what it would be like to be a part of Shirogane's family. This show is really good at subtly throwing in lines that reveal a lot about the characters and their backgrounds, during comedic scenes which makes them easy to miss.


"If he couldn't at least get better grades than the girl who could do anything, she would then be far away, someone he could only look up at. He had to win to be her equal." These are the most significant lines of this episode for me and really expands on Miyuki's dynamic with Kaguya from his perspective. Both of them are prideful and feel inferior to each other in different ways. For Miyuki it's because he's from a lower social standing and a poor family compared to Kaguya who is part of one of the richest and most powerful families in the country. But also because Miyuki excels with studying and his academic grades but not much else, so if he can't even get better grades than Kaguya who is talented in countless areas, as well as being just as smart as he is, then he would no longer be able to call himself an equal to her in any way. I think it's sad that he feels the need to prove himself so much just to be on equal footing with her but at the same time it's admirable the amount of effort he puts in which is one thing Kaguya loves about him to begin with.