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Let the end game begin





I think that Council scene is so interesting because often in shows there's one perspective, usually the protagonist's, that's presented as the morally correct one but here it's more complicated then war bad, diplomacy good. Vi and Jayce want justice or at least retribution for the lives Silco has taken, but any attempt to take out Silco will involve casualties, as we just saw. Knowing that Caitlyn and Mel want a diplomatic solution to avoid further violence, but that means negotiating with a man like Silco, effectively giving in to the demands of a terrorist. I think Vi is wrong that they can't talk to Silco. He said in episode 3 he didn't need to win a war against Piltover, he just needed to scare them into accepting the independence of Zaun. Whether they should talk to Silco is a different question. It could avoid war, but it would hardly be an idyllic peace.


I guess we saw the REAL powder today (I'm sorry lmao) but it's actually really cool: jayce has his hammer ingame and you switch between the ranged and melee form


Thoughts on this episode: - Mels mom not only looks like a wild mixture of Aunty Entity (please google if you don't know who that is😅) and Xena the Warriorprincess, she is pure walking power. She is impressive and intimidating. Every pose, her choice of clothes (or no clothes at all), every word is a powerplay. And what a great way to traumatize your child by beheading a girl her age in front of her.🙈 - Did you notice the resemblance to Jayce, when young Mel described the future monarch of the conquered nation? "A kind face", "clever so she (he) can charm her (his) subjects, but pliable, so we can mold her (him)". She learned that particular lesson well. - When Jinx brings the gemstone to Silco in episode four, he looks more at the gemstone than her. When he finds the gemstone in Jinx' hand at the bridge, he only gives it a short look and is far more concerned about the wellbeing of his foster-daughter. He loves her so much in his own twisted way. - The whole scene in the Kiramman mansion is so good. The look on both of the girls faces, when mom kickes the door in and points her rifle at them, is priceless. 🤣🤣 It is interesting that Caitlyn runs to her father for comfort instead of her mother. Vis eyes get bigger the longer Caitlyn talks to her parents and the fact sinks in, that Caitlyn isn't just from the topside, but from the top of the topside. I love that Caitlyn spoke her mind to her mother and she decided to come around and help her daughter. - Vi opening up to Caitlyn, when they were lying on the bed in this beautiful yin-yang-position, was so intimate. Vi let Caitlyn touch her face to console her and even takes her hand and clings to it. They've come far since the moments under the watertower, where Vi pushed Caits hand away, when she tried to help her.💖 - Vis monster story rang a bell deep in my memory and after revisiting the sixth episode, I knew what it was: You can see little Powders drawings of a slug-monster and a crab with blades on the back wall of their old home. She probably drew them right after they invented monsters together... seriously, so so marvelous storytelling! And another crack in my heart for the two sisters.💖😭 - Jinx' "treatment" was a horrible, painful nightmare. What would Shimmer do to her? Physically: she probably gets stronger, faster, more resilient to everthing. Shimmer has incredible healing powers (it could be the perfect medicine, if someone beside Singed cared to do research). Mentally: It diminshes or even destroys the chance of getting through Jinx' walls to Powder in there. Maybe she'll completely lose contact with the real world, with real people. I guess the shimmer enhances her emotions too, makes them larger than life. 🤔 - I wonder if Sevika will fall for Finns words and betray Silco. His words had some truth in it after all and she is angry at Silco for a while now. Especially because he is so protective of Jinx, who is a loose cannon. I am curious, what she will do. - As tough as Mels mother acts, I think she is shaking in her boots. She reaches out to her daughter after ten years of silence, the second Piltover evolves the hextech and builds devices that could easily be used as weapons. This is no coincidence. She has to fight an enemy who seems to be much stronger than her people (he killed her son after all and is still alive) and looks for a weapon to even her chances. She is very well informed about Piltovers situation, I wonder if Elora has anything to do with it. - Heimerdinger and Ekko finding each other can only be good for both. It strengthens the firelights and helps Heimerdinger to make up for his mistakes and use his abilities to help the people of the undercity. He finally sees, what he (and the other founding fathers of the city) helped to create by their inactions towards the undercity. 🤔😊 - Why did Vi gave the name of her sister away? Firstly, Vi wants revenge, she wants to fight. My guess is, she knows the council would only spring into action against Silco, if they get proof and names and she doesn't want them to go after the firelights. Maybe she thinks Silco can only be brought down with the help of the council. And only if Silco is brought down, she could get to her sister, thats all she cares about in this moment. Revenge and getting her sister back. Maybe she thinks she could get to her sister before the Enforcers do or she could protect her, when she is with the enforcers? I think she still misreads the situation of her sister horribly. She still doesn't get how Jinx' mind works, that Powder and Jinx are the same and she can't save one from the other. But how could she? She still had no chance to talk with her sister, right now she once again doesn't even know, if Jinx is still alive. 😭🙈 - Caitlyn prefers a diplomatic solution, you can see her shock, when Jayce talks about going in by force. At the firelights she said, the city needs healing and war certainly heals nothing. - Vi and the blonde councillor perfectly demonstrated how estranged the people of both cities are from each other. They could have talked this through and maybe could've gotten to a solution similar to the one Vi and Jayce came up with. A targeted operation to weaken and put pressure on Silco and maybe get Jinx, paralleled with an offer to negotiate about peace between the cities. But no, they insist on their own view and react with throwing out and storming off. It's so frustrating.😤 Vis acting is pefectly understandable though. She spent her late teens and first young adult years in prison and is still the angry, hotheaded seventeen years old girl inside that tries to solve every problem with her fists. - During the break-up in the rain Vi reacts as expected. She pushes away who she loves, to protect this person. She wants to fight when Caitlyn doesn't and I could imagine, she already thinks about contacting Jayce, the only one in the council who wants to fight and she knew Caitlyn trusts. She probably thinks she protects Caitlyn the best when they're seperated. The same (very understandable) mistake she made with Powder. She doesn't take the feelings of the people she leaves behind into account. They won't step back for a second, while she puts herself in danger. 🤔 - The fight at the Shimmer factory shows perfectly, how much hextech is superior to shimmer-tech. And the shimmer monsters in battle suits were really impressive. Both technologies combined would be really frightening. On the other hand, this fight was a horrible reality check for Jayce. The accidentally killed kid, all the other kids working in the factory alongside the grown-ups, not because Silco is exceptionally gruesome (well, he is), but because their life down there left them no choice. When all this sinks in, he begins to understand what Mel was saying, what horrors a war would cause. - Victors outrunning the ships is such a wonderful moment and flashback to his childhood days, when he couldn't follow his own little toy boat. I love the little stumble and uncoordinated way he runs at the beginning, showing he never ran in his life before. - Poor Sky. Her arc comes to a tragic ending. She really was the purest among all of them. At least she died while trying to save the love of her life. It's these unnecessary deaths all the time, that hit me the most. (Sky, the child in the factory, the pink haired girl, Mylo, Clagger, all the others) 😭 - And finally the shower scene, my most loved moment of the episode, when Caitlyn bites her lip and shakes her head while reflecting her conversation with Vi and deciding to not give her up...💖😍 - ...followed by the most devastating moment in this episode, Jinx showing up behind a naked (and therefore extremely vulnerable) Caitlyn. (That purple glowing eye... 😱) I swear my heart skipped a beat when Jinx showed up in the mirror. 🙈 And now, can't wait to re-watch the great finale along with you. 😊