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PEAK (i thought this was a tgl reacts noti)


true "if we are lucky we'll never need to use it" is such bullshit, if you create a weapon someone WILL use it, is how you should be thinking


what makes the ekko vs jinx fight even sadder: this isn't explained in arcane, like ever, but in previously established lore he used to be in love with her since they were children


Awesome, every time someone recognizes that Viktor was thinking about blowing up the lab while disarming the bomb, my respect for them grows. It's really obvious, but for some reason a lot of people don't catch it; and it's a great moment of characterization for Viktor - he believes in helping people so much that he contemplates killing himself and destroy his work to prevent it from being used as a weapon. It was such a good move to make a character who gives off all the villain red flags, and then repeatedly have him be the person with the strongest moral compass in the room.


Singe worked with Viktor and Silco. So yeah, it's the same guy. He survived the explosion. He just got badly burned.


The Jinx vs Ekko scene is one of the best animated fight scenes ever imo.


Hi there, thanx for the reaction, I saw my emotions when watching this the first time on your faces. 😊 You're making one mistake though, you are still thinking in black and white, when there is only lots of grey. Victor is not "good" and Jayce not "bad", same goes for Mel or Silco and everyone else. This is very much like real life in that regard, everyone has good and bad traits, makes smart and stupid decisions and has very good reasons for it. And every single one of them has consequences. 😊 Once again - my first thoughts on this one (I apologize in advance for the length): - As if this show isn't briliant enough, no, let's throw in two completely different styles of animation and create another masterpiece. Together with the lyrics you learn everything there is to know about the firelights in a minute and the flashback to Jinx' and Ekkos childhood game is just heartbreaking! 😍😭 - Vi gives the greatest hugs! You see how Ekko's shell cracks the more they talk like they did all those years ago. His doubts about Vi are gone in an instant and his eyes soften. Just like after the attack when Benzo and Grayson died, he immidiately feels consoled and secure. - Victor is entering very dark territory, I'm worried about him. He's frustrated and desperate, because Jayce is caught up in his own problems and time is running out for him. So he decides to make himself the guinea pig for his experiments. I think he hopes to cure his leg by melting it somehow with the hexcore. From his point of view: What has he to loose at this point? - Jayce feels so much pressure from all sides. Victor wants him to help him, the Council waits for his decisions (being the new leader after kicking Heimerdinger out), the blockade he ordered lets the tension rise close to the boiling point and Mel tries to push him to build weapons. He is in way over his head and begins to realize it. - Interesting choice of words from Jayce: "They are dangerous!". It reminds me of young Marcus ("You people are all the same!"), Caitlyn ("In what mad world would I trust someone like you?") or Vi ("You enforcers are all the same!"). Marcus never overcame his prejudices, while Vi and Caitlyn are learning to do it and Jayce has Victor to set his head straight. - Jinx' bomb, presented by Marcus as evidence for the firelights envolvement, has Ekkos hour glass symbols all over it, painted on by Jinx, to make it more convincing. - Now you know why Jinx was working on the mechanical butterflies since the fourth episode. 😨😭 You can still see them in her lab when she staples her leg. They probably fly into the light like real firelights and explode. - The mural is my new favourite shot of all episodes so far.👌😍 - On the right side of the mural you can see the portrait of the pink-haired girl that Jinx shot in the back at the ship. The girl spraying pink haired girl's portrait is the one with the bird mask from the fight in episode six, the one who kicked Caitlyns lights out and took her and the gemstone. - It speaks volumes that Powder is the only person up there of whom Ekko knows she is still alive. He has been around and saw Powder transform to Jinx. I imagine he even tried to get her on his side more than once, but she preferred to stay with Silco. Ekko tries to seperate Jinx and Powder, but you can't do that, they are two sides of the same medal. He gets a hint that Powder still is somewhere in there, when she accepts his challenge with their old childhood game. That's why he couldn't kill her in the end, he saw Powder giving up, not Jinx. It seems, despite his words to Vi he still had a tiny spark of hope that Powder isn't gone for good. 💔 - About the chem barons: The beautiful plant in the background, blooming in radiant colors when Silco and Sevika entered the meeting, was dead when they left. A strong hint how heavily polluted the air was he set free. - I wonder what Mel meant with "It's to soon, Jayce isn't ready." It sounded like she was worried that Piltover looks weak to other (and probably hostile) nations and that's why she pushes Jayce so hard to build hextech weapons. And she got a letter from home - maybe her family noticed Piltovers weakness to? 🤔 - In more peaceful times I would side with Viktor's pacifist views, but unfortunately Jinx is very close to build an Arcane version of a nuclear bomb, all she needs is to get the gemstone back. I think it is important to at least think about building hextech weapons. For all they know, they have no idea where the gemstone is and there is an accomplished bomb builder somewhere in the undercity. - Caitlyn offeres herself up for someone who became very important to her in a short time. She didn't deserve to be mocked by Vi ("My Hero!"), but then again you can see Vi means it in a "I like you for it" way. Caitlyns speech hit Ekkos heart (and mine) and especially Vis (look at her eyes widen), probably everyones. This cements her being my number one character in this show.💘 (Though Vi and Ekko come in close.) If Vi was attracted to her before, now she is hooked. I think it is still to soon to talk about love, but now there is not only attraction, but also deep respect and outright admiration. - The picture Jayce is looking at is a drawing from his childhood days, it shows him as some kind of superhero with a huge hammer. We're going to see him with his hammer from the opening credits!🙌😄🔨 - Vis and Caitlyns goodbye at the bridge was so heartbreaking. And Vi herself confirmed what was hinted since they first met: "It was real, cupcake!" Even when she hugged Ekko she only had eyes for Caitlyn. She looked so sad and dejected, head and shoulders hanging, when she slowly walkes away from her. No trace of her usual energy. She gives up something possibly good to do the right thing. All the while Jinx high up on the bridge fights with her jealousy and Mylos shadow grows and grows. 💔 - When Vi hears a shot she instantly runs back, screaming: "Caitlyn!"💘 And Mylos shadow grows even more, until it threatens to swallow Jinx.😱 - I don't think Marcus knew who Ekko was, for him it was just some guy from the undercity who knows too much. Marcus did what he always does, trying to get out of his situation by making one bad decision after another. Then he realized that it was easier to kill some guy from the much hated undercity (Ekko), than it was to kill a young woman he knew since she was a teenager and he saw growing up to become an enforcer (Caitlyn). His hesitation and Jinx' bombs saved Caitlyns life. - Unfortunately Caitlyns naivety came back and kicked her in the butt. Even after Ekko told her, she couldn't imagine that the sheriff himself is corrupt. Her picture of a sheriff was that of Grayson, a honorable and good person. - When Jinx crosses the bridge, she hums the song she sang in the first episode, when she went on the bridge with Vi, looking for their parents. "Dear friend, across the river..." Only now it is her carnage. 😭😭 - And how it fuels her rage, when she sees Vi and Caitlyn, how her mind turned Caitlyns face into a devilish grimace...👿🙈 - This is the first time Vi actually walkes away from Powder. She carries a wounded Caitlyn and her sister just shot at them, I think she realizes only now how much Powder has changed and doesn't know what to make of it. 💔 - When Jinx shoots at them, Caitlyn tries to throw herself over Vi, while Vi at the same time pushes them both out of the line of fire. It all happened so fast, even after several repeats of the scene you have to look very closely to see it. Caitlyn throws herself in the line of fire to protect the people she cares about and Vi doing the same by pushing them away. 😍 - Jinx little butterfly bomb ripped Marcus' arm right off. I wonder if we will ever know what happens to his daughter Ren now. Another orphan, as if there weren't already enough. 😭 - I'm sure Ekko and Jinx survived her grenade. You could see Ekko jump aside at the last moment and we saw during his duel with Jinx how fast he is. Plus he had a breast plate on the stopped a bullet at a short distance. And we learned in the fourth episode, that Jinx' grenades need about five seconds until they explode. He is probably injured, but shurely not as severe as Jinx. 😨


I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there. As furious as he was at Jayce and Mel, I don't think Viktor was contemplating blowing everything up for a second, because that would have meant to kill Jayce with him, too. Despite their differences, Jayce is still Viktors closest friend, and Viktor is not the type of guy to sacrifice people he cares about over an argument. I think, Viktor was making a point there. He figured out the setup of the bomb immediately and withhold the disarming for two seconds, to make his point. He took a calculated risk. 🤔🙂 For a definite answer though we'd have to ask the writers...😅


The contemplation is definitely in his head a thought is so different from an action he would never kill jace doesn’t mean the thought of blowing himself up doesn’t pass thru his head until the much uglier reality sets in that he’d also kill his friend so he makes the smart choice to do good and disarm the bomb which mirrors the destructive nature and the nature of good that hex tech can both be used for which is what they are arguing about from opposite sides and how victor believes you always have the choice to do good (not blow himself up and not make hextech weaponry) which is indicated in the dialogue


I think I know what you mean, but only in the sense of " I COULD blow us up ow, but I CHOOSE not to." But he never for a second had the serious thought to go through with it. It was just a mental scenario to - as I said - make a point. At this point he has no strong enough motive to do something this drastic. 🤔🙂 It is questionable though if not making a hextech weapon (at least some defensive technology like Israels "Iron Dome" f.e.) would be the right thing to do in this situation...🤔