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Jinx is INSANE and we LOVE IT😂





Thoughts and observations after i first watched the episode - without any priority or order: - Powders bombs finally work ... to perfection - Jinx' fingernails are painted blue and purple and splintered - Jinx has written "bla, bla, bla" all over mylos mannequin - Jinx has the beautiful mechanical butterflies from progress day in her lab and seemed to work on them - Jinx' tattoos are blue clouds - Jinx still paints on absolutely everything - Jinx'/Powders reintroduction was the coolest entry of a villain I've ever seen - Sevikas facial scars shine in the same blue as the crystals, when we see her again at the ship - the way Jinx looked at Sevika while beeing scolded scared the crap out of me - I loved Silcos confusion wether or not to be mad at Jinx after she gave him the hextech gemstone - there is some kind of mechanical shimmer device under the coat on Sevikas left shoulder, I guess some kind of prosthesis since she lost her left arm in the explosion - the leader of the firelights has the coolest pocket watch i'ver ever seen - Vi's tattoos seem to be cogs and machine parts - Vi has her name as roman numbers V an I tattooed on her face - V=5, I=1, both together VI=6, and on the back of her shirt you can see that her prison number is 516 - Vi knocked the same guy out twice - the uniforms of the enforcers at the fair differ from those they put on when tey're going in the undercity (here it is more fancy and elegant, for representation, the others are armored combat suits) - Silcos left eye has no lids, he only blinks with the right one - there are nine chairs at the councillors table, but only 7, then 8 councillors - Caitlyns mom wears earrings that match the color of her eyes - Caitlyn removed the bandaid from her forehead, when she goes to stillwater As for Jinx, i totally agree with you, it is very cool and entertaining to see her in action, but i think what she did is unforgivable even in this fictional context. You saw the reaction of the leader of the firelights when she killed the pink haired girl she thought was Vi - by a shot in the back of a fleeing person. You saw silcos reaction to her killing the enforcers (even though he probably worries more about what impact this has on his plans.) You saw the reaction of the council members after the attack, the utter shock. It is testament to the brilliant writing of the show, that despite her actions, you still like her, feel for her, because you know where she came from, how she broke and transitioned from the innocent little child to the ruthless killing genius she is now. I am so exited and at the same time afraid how the first meeting of the sisters will be. Poor Vi, i guess she was in prison the whole time, tormented by guilt and not knowing what happend to her sister.


one really cool "easter egg": the music jinx listened to before showing silco the gemstone is the music from her music video from OVER A DECADE AGO


Jinx is legit medically insane tho!! :'(


You would be great at breakdown videos!😂 didn't notice so many of these lol


Arcane is very rewarding in that regard. You can discover so many untold details that enrich this world so much. The creators are masters at visual storytelling...😊