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just got done catching up to all the reactions, I stg y'all always have crazy timing with these uploads lmao

Shaharia Chowdhury

I think the point of them talking about muddy snow referring to yuki and I think it's meant to highlight that is true and she has like a rough side to her. Toru regardless though knowing its "muddy snow" still chose her regardless acknowledging it


Yuki is obviously wrong for lying, but she isn't a bad person. She has issues that they showed us over a few episodes now. I feel that tohru would have turned down Sakura no matter what. I think he has always liked Yuki since the show started. The way they interacted with each other gave it away. He liked Hori as well, and probably since they were first years


It's pretty subtle writing but I really like how when Yuki asks Toru why he didn't correct/clear up with Sakura on them dating he more or less confesses and says "clear up what?" like he's putting it back on her like "are we or are we not??"

Giuliano Venturo Gonzales

I love all the characters in Horimiya. I do believe the way they were written is just so real and beautiful. But if you ask me who I hate the most is Yuki for sure. She makes the "worse" decision and just waits to see what happens even though she will hurt people. Even Remi at first look like a bad person but it just seems she's "stupid" but Yuki knows what she is doing and is hurting someone but still don't make any changes to be better. Also bro Toru still MC for me hahaha Hori and Miyamura are really the background characters hahaha. Toru gigachad!


i think there is no right answer for the question yuki or sakura. even if yuki didnt lied either one of them is going to get hurt. Im not saying what yuki did was right but she took a chance that will get her close to ishikawa. Lets say if she didnt lie and ishikawa picks sakura then we would feel bad for yuki, beacuse she was there for him from the start and she never would have confessed to ishikawa how she feels. It is clear the ishikawa likes yuki more than sakura so thats it.


For me, this is one of the most realistic parts of the show. I think everyone who got through high school would agree that it's not fair in any way 😂. The person with the purest heart and best intentions does not always win. That's just life.

Pedro Lobo

Yuki liked Toru from the beginning. They mentioned that Yuki started hanging out way more with Toru after he got rejected by Hori, so it was basically her usual thing of letting other ppl get what she wants, and never saying it. The same as when they met in the hallway with Sakura in ep 7. Sakura asked her if she was dating Toru. Yuki said they weren't while laughing, but turned kinda serious right after, just like the other scenes in the library etc.

toeppoki supremacy

I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding regarding Yuki. She's someone who struggles with self hatred and lack of self confidence. As someone who also struggles with that a lot, i can empathize with her more. It also doesn't help that she's a kind person. You said that she decided to act when she saw Sakura as a competition while she didn't before, but the way i see it, it's more that she doesn't feel herself worthy of Toru and feeling that Sakura deserves hapiness more than her. Though she doesn't want to lose Toru nevertheless. Those feelings are conflicting inside of her. Also with what her sister said about her bad habit of never telling her desires but still complains afterwards. The way i understand things is that she believes that she doesn't deserves happiness due to self hatred but at the end she still wants what she wants. Finally, while Yuki's lie was wrong, it was never a fair game to begin with. While Sakura fought to date Toru, Yuki gave way to her, giving minimal resistance (her lie). Sorry for the long rant but as someone who struggled with the same problems as Yuki and Miyamura, i don't really want people to misunderstand them.


I don’t think is a rant at all, I think it’s all very fair points/perspective, one of the best parts of horimiya is the discussions we’ve been having post episode but also with you guys in the comments!


The fact the story isn’t told through either of the girls POV (as the main character) makes this situation far more fair, you can find fault in both girls but also feels bad for them at the same time


If you are looking for a new show to watch after Horimiya, i would suggest A Sign Of Affection. It has a close vibe but the students are in College and it based on a Deaf Girl.. Really good