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Witches be crazy




Adrian Fernández Castells

Prez, Cara is it possible to add subtitles on yoru shows?? I have 70% hearing loss and english is not my first language, it would help me a lot, Thank you so much


id assume itd take a lot of effort adding subtitles, seeing as how theyd have to go through the entire recording and type it all out, but im sure theres a way to auto generate it

Chandler Plays

A little bit of info you probably missed.. when the Witch of Envy held Subaru in that purgatory with the "I love yous", Subaru used the handkerchief as a knife to stab his throat, because THAT'S what Echidna did when she said "Just a little bit of meddling" or whatever, she knew what was going on in the real world and gave him something to give him an "easy out" of that Return By Death.. and also why he told Petra it was helpful but not in the way she intended.. I know, things are hard to catch in this anime, it took like 5 times watching to finally understand those scenes


Cara definiely was channeling Ram with that comment about Emilia not passing , literally came out of nowhere with the venom in her words lol


-A bit of trivia: in the novel, when Subaru met Daphne (the witch of Gluttony), she undid the constraints and showed him of one of her eyes, which affected him with her authority, making Subaru so hungry that he began to eat his own arm. Subaru didn’t even notice he was eating his arm until it was too late, but he was so hungry he didn’t stop. It took Minerva again to intervene to stop and heal him. -It is never explained in the anime why Satella appears but whenever Subaru talks about Return by Death Satella's hand appears to stop him. This time nothing happened, because Subaru was safe from her in the castle of dreams. At the beginning of the episode you can see can see how Satella's hand tries to reach him, but since he is in Echidna's world, it fails. That's why Satella pays a little visit to the sanctuary instead. -When Satella hugs Subaru, she sees his memories about Petra and Rem, both of whom Subaru cares deeply about and since she is the Witch of Envy, she wants to monopolize Subaru's affection for herself, so she turns towards the mansion in order to eradicate them.


Hey Adrian sorry about the issue I had a look and unfortunately even when trying to add auto captions because the anime audio is there it messes the whole thing up😔


Every time I edit these for YT I learn something new lol we miss so much but so much of it is subtle af😭 - Prez


Cara has been showing signs of Ram and Azula (avatar) lately...should I be worried


Soooo basically Satella never takes an L and we're 100% screwed in this relationship

Chandler Plays

It is! It's okay, you guys aren't alone, and unfortunately it's only going to get more confusing, and then a little less, then more.. I'll try to explain things when they happen, because I know the first time I watched I didn't catch stuff, so don't worry 😂


the "I love you"s with headphones always give me fucking goosebumps xD