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Tonight I did a live show where I spent a little over an hour asking people to PLEASE stop setting off fireworks when it's technically not even July 4th yet. Wait until tomorrow night to be an asshole, SIR.  I'm not sure I'll have time to edit and post this show tomorrow, so here it is just for you Patrons.  I'll turn this into a SPS in a day or two. Good night!

Oh yeah, if you happen to be up this late still, there's a couple of weird shows happening on Prankcast. Click here to listen.


phonelosers | showreel | Prankcast - Prank Call Shows

phonelosers's showreel page on Prankcast | If I'm doing a Hang Up The Phone show, you can call in at 575-425-1069! If I'm doing pranks I'll probably turn the ri...



This show caused me to have a minor stroke.