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Hi. Roy The Retarded Boy here. Happy April 1st! Attached is our April Fools joke on a poor helpless AM radio host. It's a show completely devoid of punchlines, but it's still pretty amusing to hear the guy respond to all of the punchlines he dumps off the air. I sent out Patreon care packages this month, containing important things that I think you guys will like. All of you people in the U.S. have probably received your packages already, but overseas people will probably have to wait another week because I mailed the international packages days after I mailed the U.S. packages because I ran out of money. I finally finished sending the last of the internationals yesterday. One last thing - shortly after mine and Carlito's Radio Shack tribute show, I wrote a love song to Radio Shack, to the tune of Internet Killed The Radio Star. I intended to record it, but I was pretty unhappy with how the vocals sounded, so I never bothered finding anyone to do the female vocals and I just deleted the whole project and will never finish it. It's too late anyway, because now Sprint is apparently saving Radio Shack. I do like how the lyrics turned out, though, so I'm sharing those with you guys below. And I'm even sending you the karaoke track so you can sing along as you read the lyrics. And if you want to record your own rendition of this song, no matter how hilariously horrible it is, I'd probably play it on The Snow Plow Show. So here they are... It started in Boston in 1921, A store for nerds that would build radios for fun, Filled to the roof with wires and lots of components, Oh-a oh. And now today they're filing for bankruptcy, You'd think today we'd still need their technology, But no one cared, not even maker communities, Oh-a oh. What happened to them? Oh-a oh Why were they condemned? Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Now you're gone, you can't come back, Oh-a-a-a oh. I guess there's no way out you're totally screwed Like Sears and Blockbuster and Musicland too, Your days of selling crappy batteries are through, Oh-a oh It's time to move on Oh-a oh Now we use Amazon Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Some say you died 10 years ago, By focusing on cheap cell phones, Oh-a-aho oh Oh-a-aho oh xylophone solo... Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, I'll miss all the things you sold, Like PC cards and remote controls, The CoCo 2's and game consoles, The bread boards and the telephones. Bankruuuupt...you're totally screeeewwwwed, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack, Internet killed the Radio Shack,


Snow Plow Show - April 1st, 2015 - 530 Was A Mistake To Call


Glory to Humanity!

The host sounds a lot like Clay. Not just his voice but also that kinds of things he says with the Mr Biggs voice