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Arizona Tony brings you a Hobosode chock full of important issues facing us in 2018 like high school bullying, homophobia, and the complete obliteration of jobs in the trucking industry.  Music in this episode is They Won't Get Me by Roger Miller.

After I recorded this one, I made some Pastaroni, watched a little Always Sunny, and then started editing the show.  I'd only made one call to the homophobic guy and it felt kind of short and incomplete, so I ran back up to the Situation Room and made those other two calls to him.  That's why he had time to check in with his sister to find out who the hell Roy was.



Little Yellow Ducks

Brad, you should buy GoldWave from <a href="http://goldwave.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goldwave.com/</a> and use it to clean your audio. It is simple and amazing and updates free for life! All you have to do is highlight the noise, control + c (copy), then go to the noise reduction and select use clipboard and click ok! It will remove what ever you consider is "noise" out of your audio! Here is a copy of your Dial-A-Payphone Goldwave Cleaned up and resized to 128k MP3: <a href="https://ufile.io/81zoi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://ufile.io/81zoi</a>

Little Yellow Ducks

Well, I didn't know it was on purpose! I just thought you didn't have the correct software or was playing a joke on us! :/. BTW, it was the hissing that bothered me the most! At least leave it here for patreons whom use hearing aids and any improvement in audio quality would help them hear better. ...P.S. Is PLA a religion?


I've got plans to make the pay phone audio much better. The main problem is that I'm using an 80's-era phone recording device to put the audio into the mixer when there's a much better way to do it. Hopefully I'll have that set up before I do another one of these.